The Great Year - How long is it?My exploration into the timing aspect of our Great Year follows. I was inspired to do so after having heard the recent substack by Cliff High titled, Time grammar. I appreciate and admire Cliff High’s dedication to “mining” the data to help us understand our world that much better. Personally, I have been wondering why the duration of 24,000 years keeps coming up for the Precession of the Equinoxes - The Great Year - for a very long time. I think I know the reason…. As a co-facilitator of the Flower of Life information back in the 90s, I had to know these things, along with my partner and husband at the time. He focused on the sacred geometry and I, the hidden histories of world and humans - we both taught the activation of the Merkabah, which I now question, but that is another story. Drunvalo Melchizedek taught the Flower of Life Workshops to thousands upon thousands of people worldwide during the early 1990s and well into the millennium. You can still find his books online. In his teachings, he states that the Precession of the Equinoxes is approximately 26,000 years due to the various wobbles, but that 25,922 years is most accurate. He then compares the Tibetans and Hindu perspective and the fact that they call the time periods, yugas of which he states are simply ages. He specifically speaks of Yogananda’s guru, Sri Yukteswar and shows a diagram that he created in the 1800s. Drunvalo states that Sri Yukteswar did not know the true time duration of the equinoxes, he put it at 24,000 years. Long story very short, Dru explained that because Yukteswar wrote this information during the Kali Yuga, it was incorrect. Dru went on to apologize saying, that he didn’t mean to put them down, but that during the Kali Yuga, we are in the darkest of time and deeply asleep. He also said that most all of the writings during that time were not to be trusted for this reason. Take this as you will. (See Diagrams) Along with Cliff High’s recent summation on 8/21/24 of 25,477 years for the Great Year, I share one other's point of view; one whose teachings I also respect, but know it may "push the envelope" for many. That is not my concern. The information is. This last person agrees with the number 26,000, but has an entirely different number for accuracy. Their words follow: There are 4 Planetary Rounds = 1 Planetary Cycle - 1 Astrological Age = 1 Aeon = 26,000 (26,566) years = precession of Earth’s axis of rotation with respect to inertial space. In conclusion, we have 24,000 to 25,477 to 25,920 to 26,566. I find peace in the 26,000 year approximation, but time is a subject of interest for me, and one that will not end. The great thing is, we now put the old cycle behind us; that which ended in 2012 and embark upon The Greatest of Adventures into what the ancient ones called the Golden Age. Amazing concept to embrace… Let us dream on it. Author Kristen Farquhar Attribution Book: The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life - Volume I By Drunvalo Melchizedek Pages 55-58 Attribution Time Grammar Cliff High Attribution
"Native" What does it really mean?Having been in conversation with the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Mohawk and Oneida women in the past few years, I have learned even more about the sensitivity of language, and in regards to the term “native,” I chose awhile ago, not to use it as its “sound” translates back to its original meaning which is, “slave.”
The sound of all words - and not their spelling - trace back to their original meanings. The University of Cambridge study, April 2013: "... words as mere sounds can remain associated with the same meaning for millennia." Also, the term “indigenous” can be traced back to a de.meaning translation as well. I’ll break it down for you through its etymology, and note the term “native/slave” is used, and of course, please discard all that does not resonate with your own soul…. indi - genous (adj.) "born or originating in a particular place," 1640s, from Late Latin indigenus "born in a country, native," from Latin indigena "sprung from the land, native," as a noun, "a native," literally "in-born," or "born in (a place)," from Old Latin indu (prep.) "in, within" + gignere (perfective genui) "to beget, produce" (from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups)…. "native, indigenous," 1590s, from French indigène (16c.), from Latin indigena "sprung from the land," as a noun, "a native," literally "in-born" (see indigenous). As a noun, "one who or that which is native, an aborigine," from 1660s…. -genous word-forming element meaning "generating, producing, yielding;” I ask you, what was, INDI? that which sprung from the land and was a native (slave) inborn, GENE: “to beget, produce” GENOUS…. "generating, producing, yielding” And what exactly are we “generating, producing, and yielding,” ? One more word for the records. "Aboriginal" To simply look at the word logically, we see the root word of “original” which goes back to origin. That feels right. But what about “AB”? Ab is a prefix which has been said to be used in a consistent basis (in English) to mean “away”… Some examples are abdicate ( dicare, to declare), to renounce the throne; aborigine ( ab origine, from the beginning), an inhabitant of a place from earliest times; abort, to terminate a pregnancy ( oriri, be born); and abuse, to use something improperly ( abuti, to misuse, from uti, to use). Hence, from my understanding, “AB original” means to be away from its origins. Again, a term used to define and identify original people of the land, “through its sound” that tends to be degrading, immoralizing, and often times in direct opposition to what it appears to be proclaiming. And while we’re on the subject, and again with my understanding, the original human beings of North America, in our united States, are assigned, regulated and managed under the classification of the, Department of the Interior; that which oversees our natural resources, lands and parks. “Native” people in America are not considered to be human by such a classification and are, in contrast, considered to be under the jurisdiction of Land, Flora and Fauna. Wrap your head around that…. Then add, Manifest Destiny, (look it up) and the, Doctrine of Discovery (look that up, too, which by the way was used against the Oneida people as recently as 2005 by Ruth Ginsburg, Supreme Court), and you’ll begin to get an idea of how deeply we have been deceived by big government. We the people must unite, in our hearts, and lift each other up. If your heart has been stirred, you may be interested to hear the words of the Haudenosaunee women and the Mohawk Bear Clan Mother speak of their trials and accomplishments over the past three years. It is quite remarkable. There are fifteen stories beginning with the introduction of, Mohawk Bear Clan Mother Nia:wen Mohawk for, Thank you O ka Maluhia no me oe Hawaiian for, Peace be with you - The Peace of I Author Kristen Farquhar Attributions Online Etymology Dictionary The Fall of Man & The MultiearthWhat if I were to tell you that the human story goes back 560 million years ago, and 550 million years ago, the planet we were on was blown up… and we, and the planet, broke up into some 12 massive pieces that became a part of the morphogenetic field which eventually was pulled magnetically into the center of the sun, and all came out the other side in an EXTREMELY LOW AND VERY DENSE VIBRATION? And what if I told you that was us? … And the other pieces went onto forming our planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, (Maldek, which was also later blown up and became our Asteroid Belt), Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Nibiru (the latter has been hidden from us)? There was already a sun in this lower dimensional solar system and one of the “pieces” merged with it, and oh yeah, there’s one more planet and it was (is) Earth. We were not born here, we FELL here. This alone is known as the FALL OF MAN and not what has been “fed” to us. We, you and I, and all humans, are related from the center of our being to all the planets (which have consciousness) and all the life in this solar system and upon Earth. We are one. That was us on Tera, in the beginnings, in the 5th Dimension, and we FELL to Earth into the 3rd Dimension, and Gaia is the 7th Dimension. Past, Present and Future all related—one affecting the other at all times. Now, what if I were to tell you that God-Source sent (emanated with sound and light) High conscious beings to rescue US? It’s called the Christ Mission and many are here as a part of this mission having come to assist at this time for all of life to transcend. Would you believe it? And if you do, you will realize that you, (we) have been and are deeply loved and cared for, and we are not separate from God-Source, Creator of all. We were just told those lies to keep us suppressed and weak as workers and “god-fearing” rather than God-Loving. And there’s more…. Many wars have occurred through the millions of years that this rescue mission has been in effect, but one specific war is called, The Lucifer Rebellion, and it began 26,000 years ago, which is the timing of the Precession of the Equinox. During this time period, we humans (and we are considered to be angelic, direct from God-Source), were taken over and infiltrated by what is called, Negative Alien Agenda (NAA), whose time ended December of 2012, which is why all of this chaos is happening worldwide. This time has been planned for thousands and thousands (millions) of years. Bottom line, the NNA are done, finished, and they don’t like it, but we the people are free!! Author Kristen Farquhar Photograph Multiearth Art by Sequoia Attribution |
Author: Kristen Farquhar is a Holistic Health Practitioner, artist/astrologer and singer-songwriter developing a practice based in Somatic Sound Therapeutics. 2023 expanded in support of Bear Clan Mother Series and Lady Freedom Circle: Education, Enlightenment, Sovereignty. We are sound and light @EnvironmentalVoiceArchives
August 2024
1/7/2023: 1. Mohawk Bear Clan Mother