EnvironmentalVoice marks time. 8/8 is known as, The Lion’s Gate - a deeply spiritual time to align our hearts with the one, Creator of All. The star Sirius, brightest star in our skies, disappears from our view into the sun’s light for 77 days (July 3 - August 11). In wisdom teachings, Sirius is known as the Spiritual Sun representing the Spiritual Father.
Sirius' helical rising will be when it rises before the sun and is visible to the eye. That date, (in San Francisco, California) is recognized to be 8/8 known as, The Lion's Gate. An important alignment of spiritual energy is said to occur with the earth. Many cities around the world are aligned to this helical rising of Sirius. As above, so below, and also within. Most all report Sirius to be a binary star system with a very old star called a "White Dwarf;” that is a story in and of itself. Sirius is called, The Dog Star as its rainbow light shines from within the mouth of The Dog Star Constellation between the Two Bears - Ursa Minor and Ursa Major, (Pole Star) - which exists in Gemini, (the 3rd sign of the Zodiac); that which is ruled by the planet Mercury, often called, The Winged Messenger, and is symbolic in Hermetic ancient teachings as the mind and soul of man. There are no coincidences in the vibrational realm of which we live, and we live in, Times of Prophesy, but it is not occurring as we have been told. We, our human collective hearts and minds, are steering the fields of consciousness. Our center hearts are one with the Divine. As I grow spiritually, I include you in my expansion. What I have learned in these past two years is that the symbol of the LION is even more than I knew, and I've gone deep for many years into the hidden human histories of humankind. We are now asked to understand how our human lineage connects with the LION, the feline race, and the Cosmic Elohei Mother Eieyani Grail Lineage… Open thy hearts and thy minds and go slowly. Your soul will resonate if it is right for you. There is just way more to our human story than we were ever told. We are emanations of God-Source, Creator of all with a lineage that goes back through time. "...The Emerald Order of Elohei-Elohim seeded the Anuhazi Feline-Leonine races through the Lyran 12th Stargate… They are the original founders of the eternal Christos angelic human races, the Cosmic Elohei Mother Eieyani Grail lineage seeded in Lyra that are the genetic parents of the Azurites and Oraphim...." Link: https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Anuhazi Art Photograph The Cathars, the Mother's 12th Gate Protectors Art by Elizabeth (found in link above) Art Photograph White Lion - Spirit Lion by Andrew Gonzalaz Somatic tools to assist your spiritual awakening: https://www.somaticsoundtherapeutics.com/therapeutics.html Environmental Music Films Born to Love & Ho’oponopono Prayer https://youtu.be/l1y7C32PMHA Don’t forget to sing your name! Author Kristen Farquhar
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Author: Kristen Farquhar is a Holistic Health Practitioner, artist/astrologer and singer-songwriter developing a practice based in Somatic Sound Therapeutics. 2023 expanded in support of Bear Clan Mother Series and Lady Freedom Circle: Education, Enlightenment, Sovereignty. We are sound and light @EnvironmentalVoiceArchives
August 2024
1/7/2023: 1. Mohawk Bear Clan Mother