Spiritual Sun & Full Luminous Cycles 2025
Luminescent Light
Shines from the Solar-Spiritual Sun
Solar-Spiritual Masculine & Feminine
The Christos-Sophia - The Sacred & Hiero Gamos Union
Color, Light, and Sound is our organic and original Krystic Human Design. Use our Sound of Breath and Sound Healing Therapeutic Exercises to help raise and embody the highest frequencies of light and love possible while honoring the spiritual cycles on earth. Know that intention is everything. Tone the Solfége Sounds of the planets and constellations.
Your heart, your intuition, your God-self knows the way.
All purple-blue colored text is hyperlinked - Click to expand & understand more
We Focus On the Light
For we are learning to Shift the Ages from lunar false-light into Sun-Solar Christ (Kryst/Krystallah) consciousness.
We are now in Galactic, Sun-Solarized Capricorn 1/18-2/15
Traditional Sun in Aquarius 1/21 - 2/19
Traditional Sun in Aquarius 1/21 - 2/19
Happy Birthday to all those with Sun in Aquarius! How we appreciate you and your ability to see the big picture. The ruling planet, Uranus and where it’s placed in the chart, shows the genius in all of us. And though your ability to argue a point can be overbearing at times, we know you’re breaking the old patterns to allow the new to come in, and we need that especially now. Those who are evolved know when to quit and make peace. Pluto aligns with the Sun the beginning days of this shift empowering us all. You are the Rebel, the Humanitarian and the Human Earth Angel. You live in us all. Thank you for your gifts.
Galactic Sun Position
Capricorn January 18th to February 15th
From Sagittarius Solar Alchemy Ignition and Resurrection 12/18 - 1/18
to solarized heaing and stabilization.
The Earth and physical body of the new Galactic Capricorn Solar Energy will help to heal and stabilize us in the new and higher frequencies as we clear and clean out the lunar negative and demonic influences from out of our bodies and our world: spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. The spiritual Alchemy of Capricorn works deeply with our energy (ATP)
to vitalize our Mitochondria-The cells of the Mother.
We leave Galactic Sagittarius knowing more of the solar alchemy of purification than we did before and move into Galactic Capricorn. No coincidence new structure for new government takes place now for the good of the people by the people. Our world has changed and will never be the same. A mixture of deep sorrow and excitement for the new is with us as we maintain our centers and expand in consciousness. Growing pains will be noticeable as the
New Light continues to pour forth from the center of our galaxy.
Breathe in the Divine Fire Waters - the Elixer of Life.
Your sound - your voice - is your connection to C.enter Source.
Hmm to release tension and to create a grid of protection around thyself.
Capricorn Artwork by Sequoia
Full Light Cancer
Full Light Cancer - 1/13/2025 • 2:27 PM-PT
Governing Body: Moon-Solar Light • Chakra: Heart • Color: Green •
Musical Note: F • Solfegé sound: FA (fah)
Vowel sound is important
Cancer is element of Water = Emotions
Full Luminescent Light expresses outward
Cancer Message: The waters and the earth are in perfect harmony. The Mother and the daughters are in control. Trust that she and they know what they are doing. The Father certainly does, and all of his sons.
The elements of Earth and Water are classified as Feminine, while Fire and Air are considered to be Male. Planets and constellations also have gender; this has much to do with their morphogenetic fields and what has been recorded of them throughout time. We are not separate.
In this spiritual cycle there are two semi-Grand Trines (blue lines) working harmonically with the Mother force. There’s a flow of emotions moving and expressing, building and releasing. Express yourself but remember to rest. Allow the tide within and without to ebb and flow. We cannot stop what is coming, and we wouldn’t want to. It’s all in much greater hands.
Full Light Emanations
Sun in Capricorn (Earth) united with Pluto-Transformer opposes moon-body in Cancer (Waters) for at-one-ment creating Full Luminous Light. The energy of the moon-body is solarized - no longer of the false light - and is in union with Mars-action.
She and Mars, with the Christos and power planet Pluto, will fight if need be to make things right and she has full support. Remember, all is energetic before it is physical.
The Mother Sophia with the Father (Christos Sophia), along with her allies, sends her energy in a harmonic “sound-wave” to VENUS in union with SATURN. The double-Feminine then turns their attention to all that is Saturn in Pisces: authority, structure, and all buildings and organizations.. constructs “housed” in these “frames” that were meant to be for the good of the people and are not (government/executive/judicial/legislative/hospitals, etc.); they now crystallize and become clear. That which is in resonance with "service to self” breaks and falls away.
The wave from the Mother/Father then moves into NEPTUNE and acquires more Spiritual Force and Spiritual Love in Christ consciousness (Pisces); Divine destiny comes in with North Node. She is gathering forces… Next she moves into
Pluto and gathers great strength from the very depths to the highest of highs, supported with the Sun, spiritual Father energy in earth Capricorn. All stabilizes in strength. She then gathers this energy and moves to
URANUS and is electrified with the High Mind - tis the Planet of Change, the Rebel and the Humanitarian. Grounded in Taurus, symbolic of Goddess Earth, she is (we are) changing at lightening speeds we can only dream of.
That is the first Semi-Grand Trine: Pluto/Sun/North Node/Neptune/Saturn/Venus/Uranus “managed” by the Mother Force, the Solarized Christic Sophia.
It is one “flow of energy,” and it comes back to the Mother for her to receive into UNITY… This she does as only she can and then alchemizes the energy, and moves it outward and forward to her own Semi-Grand Trine #2. It’s quite remarkable….
She sends out another harmonic “sound-wave” straight to URANUS-and is electrified into the high mind again for abrupt electrical changes in the earth (and in our bodies) and then onwards to NORTH NODE, NEPTUNE and SATURN, VENUS and back to the Mother.
MERCURY-mind and soul of man and all communications tries not to judge the situation too harshly and is greatly humbled and harmonized by VENUS’ love nature in Pisces Christ consciousness. Our minds can relax and breathe.
JUPITER, the spiritual expander in Gemini, (AND IN US) brings into our picture the “union of spiritual masculine and spiritual feminine, or the hierogamic union, under the Universal Laws of the Aeonic Pairing of Christos-Sophia.” (EnergeticSynthesis) Jupiter stresses VENUS, the feminine, who is in union with SATURN, to help him release the old ways that no longer serve with her love.
CHIRON, the Wounded Healer in man and woman of earth is in tension with the moon-body Mother energy and her Mars warrior. Human's first separation from God Source is still the deepest wound of betrayal that needs to be healed. When we realize it was all a lie; that God Source has always been within us waiting for us to re.member — our healing begins.
The Full Cancer Luminous Light brings up our feeling nature and the physical body, which includes the Earth and all her waters. All needed to have the Mother’s touch. She has been released from the lunar matrix and is free to have her way. Her Sound waves can once again grow freely into the Light waves of the Spiritual Christic Father. Sound and Light - Holy Mother, Holy Father were never ever meant to be separated. Creation can now begin anew.
Prose: Full Solar Light Alchemy
My Solar Love, my Sun-Christic center is ablaze in the Sacred Union of the Christos Sophia (Holy Father and Holy Mother) inside of me and all. The Divine Fire Waters flow and mists rise in response. We see New Earth and feel the spiritual potential. Emotional needs are met by trusting in that union within my center and all of humanity, as well as Earth, Tiamat, Tara and Gaia. We ask to be aligned and purified by the fires that still ignite and resurrect in the Christic Solar White Light of Galactic Sagittarius ending January 18. We are Love, we are Source, we are Sovereign, and we are Free.
The elements of Earth and Water are classified as Feminine, while Fire and Air are considered to be Male. Planets and constellations also have gender; this has much to do with their morphogenetic fields and what has been recorded of them throughout time. We are not separate.
In this spiritual cycle there are two semi-Grand Trines (blue lines) working harmonically with the Mother force. There’s a flow of emotions moving and expressing, building and releasing. Express yourself but remember to rest. Allow the tide within and without to ebb and flow. We cannot stop what is coming, and we wouldn’t want to. It’s all in much greater hands.
Full Light Emanations
Sun in Capricorn (Earth) united with Pluto-Transformer opposes moon-body in Cancer (Waters) for at-one-ment creating Full Luminous Light. The energy of the moon-body is solarized - no longer of the false light - and is in union with Mars-action.
She and Mars, with the Christos and power planet Pluto, will fight if need be to make things right and she has full support. Remember, all is energetic before it is physical.
The Mother Sophia with the Father (Christos Sophia), along with her allies, sends her energy in a harmonic “sound-wave” to VENUS in union with SATURN. The double-Feminine then turns their attention to all that is Saturn in Pisces: authority, structure, and all buildings and organizations.. constructs “housed” in these “frames” that were meant to be for the good of the people and are not (government/executive/judicial/legislative/hospitals, etc.); they now crystallize and become clear. That which is in resonance with "service to self” breaks and falls away.
The wave from the Mother/Father then moves into NEPTUNE and acquires more Spiritual Force and Spiritual Love in Christ consciousness (Pisces); Divine destiny comes in with North Node. She is gathering forces… Next she moves into
Pluto and gathers great strength from the very depths to the highest of highs, supported with the Sun, spiritual Father energy in earth Capricorn. All stabilizes in strength. She then gathers this energy and moves to
URANUS and is electrified with the High Mind - tis the Planet of Change, the Rebel and the Humanitarian. Grounded in Taurus, symbolic of Goddess Earth, she is (we are) changing at lightening speeds we can only dream of.
That is the first Semi-Grand Trine: Pluto/Sun/North Node/Neptune/Saturn/Venus/Uranus “managed” by the Mother Force, the Solarized Christic Sophia.
It is one “flow of energy,” and it comes back to the Mother for her to receive into UNITY… This she does as only she can and then alchemizes the energy, and moves it outward and forward to her own Semi-Grand Trine #2. It’s quite remarkable….
She sends out another harmonic “sound-wave” straight to URANUS-and is electrified into the high mind again for abrupt electrical changes in the earth (and in our bodies) and then onwards to NORTH NODE, NEPTUNE and SATURN, VENUS and back to the Mother.
MERCURY-mind and soul of man and all communications tries not to judge the situation too harshly and is greatly humbled and harmonized by VENUS’ love nature in Pisces Christ consciousness. Our minds can relax and breathe.
JUPITER, the spiritual expander in Gemini, (AND IN US) brings into our picture the “union of spiritual masculine and spiritual feminine, or the hierogamic union, under the Universal Laws of the Aeonic Pairing of Christos-Sophia.” (EnergeticSynthesis) Jupiter stresses VENUS, the feminine, who is in union with SATURN, to help him release the old ways that no longer serve with her love.
CHIRON, the Wounded Healer in man and woman of earth is in tension with the moon-body Mother energy and her Mars warrior. Human's first separation from God Source is still the deepest wound of betrayal that needs to be healed. When we realize it was all a lie; that God Source has always been within us waiting for us to re.member — our healing begins.
The Full Cancer Luminous Light brings up our feeling nature and the physical body, which includes the Earth and all her waters. All needed to have the Mother’s touch. She has been released from the lunar matrix and is free to have her way. Her Sound waves can once again grow freely into the Light waves of the Spiritual Christic Father. Sound and Light - Holy Mother, Holy Father were never ever meant to be separated. Creation can now begin anew.
Prose: Full Solar Light Alchemy
My Solar Love, my Sun-Christic center is ablaze in the Sacred Union of the Christos Sophia (Holy Father and Holy Mother) inside of me and all. The Divine Fire Waters flow and mists rise in response. We see New Earth and feel the spiritual potential. Emotional needs are met by trusting in that union within my center and all of humanity, as well as Earth, Tiamat, Tara and Gaia. We ask to be aligned and purified by the fires that still ignite and resurrect in the Christic Solar White Light of Galactic Sagittarius ending January 18. We are Love, we are Source, we are Sovereign, and we are Free.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect to that
and leave the false-light
lunar matrix
Sound & Light & Breath
with INtension
are our tools.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Use your voice!
Musical Tone: F
Crystal Bowl F
Solfége Sound: FAH
(tis the sound of the heart)
Tune to the Light
Sound & Light Meditation
We are complete.
Peace to you
The Peace of
Video Art Attributions
Holy place
Sophianic Grail coding
Inner Christos
Art by Sequoia
Galactic Sun Position
Sagittarius December 18th to January 18th
From Ophiuchus .. Divine Fire Water 11/30-12/17
The Fire of the new Sagittarius turns into Light - The Light of the World, and we rise up as we review natural laws and alchemical properties within and without. Our highest spiritual potentials can be experienced in Sagittarius Solar Alchemy.
Tis of the Christ Mind of the Solar Logos Body.
Sagittarius (artwork by Sequoia)
Capricorn New Light
Capricorn New Light - 12/30/2024 • 2:26 PM PST
Governing Planet: Saturn • Color: Blue • Chakra: 5th Chakra, Throat
Solfege Syllabus Sound: SŌL • Musical Note: G
Capricorn Element is Earth: Physical Body/Matter
New dark moon calls us inside to find the Light within.
Energy is internal and receptive and asks for us to plant good “seeds” of thought for future days.
Capricorn Message
Capricorn, patient and practical, waits his or her turn in order to use whatever is necessary—in right ways—to newly construct and build the future foundations and infrastructure for life to prosper, excel, and succeed in our near future. Destruction and deception fall away into the past; lessons learned have been hard. We will not forget. And though great stress presses to expand us beyond our beliefs, we open to the golden opportunities before us and the potential to live a new life in new harmonic and brilliant ways.
Sun and Moon 9° Capricorn, Christos-Sophia in Solar, Sacred Union (Hiero Gamos), have a flowing harmonic current moving to the planetary ruler of Capricorn, Saturn-The Authoritarian/Government/The Crystal…
Akin to a loving parental force is sensed with the new light, Holy Mother and Holy Father are united in love and therefore strong in their support for new structures; crystalline in form, with light and sound-vibration coalesce in unseen places (Saturn in Pisces).
Semi-Grand Trine flow of energy from PLUTO (1° Aquarius) to URANUS (23° Taurus) to NEPTUNE (17° Pisces) = P: Transformative and healing energies are felt throughout the body-mind … U: Surges of what might feel like lightening in our nervous system. Know it is of the Higher Mind for your good to help change what was, into the new of now - Ground thyself… Neptune will add sensitivity and compassion to the experience. Be gentle with thyself and others. Neptune is spiritual force and strength in Christ consciousness symbolized by Pisces.
Another point of harmonic flow is from MARS giving incredible strength to the already strong Neptunian Spiritual Force. It is of the Solar Krystic Spiritual Fire of Aries. No coincidences. We are being assisted. This COURAGEOUS energy coming from Mars connects into the Semi-Grand Trine giving even more support.
Stress Points
Mars is a lower octave to Pluto, thus they work together in us, at this time, to create powerful energies of healing and deep transformation: death/birth/rebirth; the letting go of what no longer serves us - the "bones of things" and our many faces... The warrior in each of us is activated to do good for mass consciousness (Pluto) as best we can. We set our intentions and plant our seeds well. Know all things happen energetically before they are made manifest into the physical.
T-square MERCURY oppose JUPITER … both MERCURY and JUPITER square-stress and EXPRESS through SATURN (ruler of New Light in Capricorn), which is conjunct-unite NORTH NODE = Divine destiny. Our mind, in the super-conscious sign of Sagittarius is being expanded spiritually, culturally, philosophically and religiously. Opposing Jupiter (planet that RULES Sagittarius) expands us even more so. Our natural love and connection to nature helps to balance us and integrate us through Mother Earth. These thought frequencies that press us to express through Saturn in PISCES tell us to not only build our future with the physical, but dream it—SEE IT— envision what we want in our future is just as important at this time. Plant those seeds.
VENUS, the solarized feminine at 25° Aquarius, (that receptive part of us), is stressed with things moving too quickly; the changes are electrical and abrupt and seem chaotic. We forget it is of the mind, and we remember the Semi-Grand Trine of flowing harmonic energies that surrounds us from compassionate Neptune-spiritual force (The Kryst Light) - Divine destiny and Pluto’s deep healing… and we rest and we breathe.
CHIRON, the wounded healer in living man and woman upon the Earth is still in Aries dealing with the deep trauma of separation, betrayal and disassociation and disconnection from Source. Know it was a lie. We have always been one with God-Source - the Christic Solar Plasma Living Light is within each and all. We are eternal. Breathe it in - Attune to it.
New Light Alchemy
My Solar-Love (my Sun Krystic-center), is ablaze in the Unity with Cosmic Holy Mother—the Sophia of Wisdom—and Holy Father.
Their sacred union, in me and in you, ushers forth the elixir of life, the Divine Fiery Waters that pours from the center of the galaxy. Mists rise in response showing the great potential of New Earth and new life. We are free. We are sovereign. We are sacred.
Come into Center
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now consciously
connect to it
and we leave the false-light
lunar matrix
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
See and Sense
the color of this cycle
And always
White Plasma Krystic Light
Music tuned to 444
Note G
Solfége Sound: SŌL
Use you voice!
Sound precedes Light
We are complete.
Peace to you
The Peace of
Video Art Attributions
Mother Arc
A Keeper of the Crystal Core Rainbow Sun
Art by Elizabeth
Inner Christos
Art by Sequoia
Sun in Capricorn December 21st and out and into Aquarius January 21st
Happy Birthday all Capricorns! This is your time! and it's Christmas too!! We celebrate you and appreciate you for your many good and honorable traits. Persevering and steadfast to your goals, you show us that hard work, responsibility, and attention to detail always gets the job done. However, you often take on the weight of the world… Those that love you, wish for you to be free of your burdens. We know, however reserved you are, that you care deeply for life and for doing the right things to preserve it. But it doesn’t alway have to be only you setting things right. Share your load. Your smile and your laughter can and will change and heal the world.
Gemini Full Moonlight
Gemini Full Luminous Cycle - 12/15/2024 • 1:01 AM, PST
Governing Planet: Mercury • Chakra: Crown Chakra Color: Purple • Musical Note: B • Solfegé sound: TI/SI (ēē)
Vowel sound is important • Gemini is element of Air = Mind/Intellect
Full Luminous Light expresses outward
Gemini Message
The winds are restless and carry messages from afar. May we hear them, and understand. Gemini is about relationships - first relationships other than parents - siblings and close community. The nervous system runs high with strong Gemini. They gather data from everywhere and everyone and they pass it to those who need it. Gemini are known as the Winged-Messengers; they have the “missing piece” for many and are the communicators of the zodiac. Often restless, they find peace when they embrace their opposite in Sagittarius. The fire-spirit of Sag lights up the mind and heart with the meaning of all the data, and the world changes.
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love, my Sun-Krystic center is a blaze with the sacred and Heiro Gamos Union of Holy Father, Holy Mother, inside of me and all — The Christos-Sophia. My emotional needs are met by adapting my curious nature and restlessness into finding out the truth of things, the meaning behind the many words, and expanding my mind; a flow of spirit-fire purifies and lifts me into a new awareness of being. Releasing the pain body of a thousand and one lifetimes, we move to a higher sphere and all becomes clear. We are free. We are grateful We are sovereign.
Full Moonlight Emanations
Sun in the fire-spirit of Sagittarius oppose Moon in air-mind of Gemini, T-squares great tension to be expressed through Neptune with spiritual force 27° Pisces. Communications will be restless and scattered and emotional with moods swinging and flipping. The answer for the stress is to “empty out of” or “express through” NEPTUNE, which means to have faith and turn to spiritual and religious ways of perceiving. Escapism is part of Neptune as well: alcohol, drugs, movies, glamour, games, etc. Rose-colored glasses…
JUPITER opposes the sun and unites with the moon and expands our emotions adding to the full moon pressure, plus Jupiter also opposes MERCURY which rules the mind. By opening the mind, we expand our minds and relieve the tension.
We have a beautiful TRINE OF HARMONY helping us to deal with our mental state. The Trine is one of SPIRIT fire with 3 points....
1.MARS-action and the spiritual warrior in all of is activated in LEO, the LION-HEARTED ONE. Courage and bravery is up. May the action that takes place be for humanity’s highest good.
2.MERCURY-the mind and soul of man and all communications in all of us is activated in SAGITTARIUS, the SAGE and Wise One. May we recognize and understand the truth when we see it and the messages when we hear them.
3.NEPTUNE-spiritual force and strength in all of us is activated in PISCES which brings in Christ consciousness, sensitivity, Divine service for the good of all… and it is in unity with the North Node bringing in Divine Destiny. It is meant to be and it will not be stopped. (It) is the action that will take place. Neptune works “behind the scenes” and what occurs is often unknown. Believe, have faith and loose the fear.
A semi-Grand Trine of flow energy is also a part of the full moon experience and it’s powerful….
1. PLUTO-the transformer/volcanic in nature/death and rebirth/transmutation-healing… at a critical degree (anaretic degree) IS IN UNION with the Solarized Feminine in VENUS in Aquarius. The love nature is strong. Venus is also our receptive nature, so we could have a lot coming up from the depths of ourselves that needs to SEE THE LIGHT of HEALING and transformation. It flows to....
2. URANUS-abrupt change/electric/lightening speed. We have the support from the Universe to change. Whatever happens, it is for the good of humankind. Uranus is the natural ruler of Aquarius - the Humanitarian. And in Taurus, we are dealing with our physical values which includes FINANCES, and all physical possessions that we use to identify ourselves with. We ask, Is it really me? Flows to…
3. NEPTUNE-spiritual force and strength in Christ consciousness. There is peace in strength. We do well to believe and have faith in new Earth. She has arrived and so have we. We are not separate.
Chiron in Aries represents the first wound in mankind (in us) - which was Separation from God-Source. A crystalline sextile flows to and from the moon and Chiron and transmits what is necessary for the wound to be healed (in us). The Sun flows vitality and Krystic light to Chiron for strength and endurance (in us).
The winds are restless and carry messages from afar. May we hear them, and understand. Gemini is about relationships - first relationships other than parents - siblings and close community. The nervous system runs high with strong Gemini. They gather data from everywhere and everyone and they pass it to those who need it. Gemini are known as the Winged-Messengers; they have the “missing piece” for many and are the communicators of the zodiac. Often restless, they find peace when they embrace their opposite in Sagittarius. The fire-spirit of Sag lights up the mind and heart with the meaning of all the data, and the world changes.
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love, my Sun-Krystic center is a blaze with the sacred and Heiro Gamos Union of Holy Father, Holy Mother, inside of me and all — The Christos-Sophia. My emotional needs are met by adapting my curious nature and restlessness into finding out the truth of things, the meaning behind the many words, and expanding my mind; a flow of spirit-fire purifies and lifts me into a new awareness of being. Releasing the pain body of a thousand and one lifetimes, we move to a higher sphere and all becomes clear. We are free. We are grateful We are sovereign.
Full Moonlight Emanations
Sun in the fire-spirit of Sagittarius oppose Moon in air-mind of Gemini, T-squares great tension to be expressed through Neptune with spiritual force 27° Pisces. Communications will be restless and scattered and emotional with moods swinging and flipping. The answer for the stress is to “empty out of” or “express through” NEPTUNE, which means to have faith and turn to spiritual and religious ways of perceiving. Escapism is part of Neptune as well: alcohol, drugs, movies, glamour, games, etc. Rose-colored glasses…
JUPITER opposes the sun and unites with the moon and expands our emotions adding to the full moon pressure, plus Jupiter also opposes MERCURY which rules the mind. By opening the mind, we expand our minds and relieve the tension.
We have a beautiful TRINE OF HARMONY helping us to deal with our mental state. The Trine is one of SPIRIT fire with 3 points....
1.MARS-action and the spiritual warrior in all of is activated in LEO, the LION-HEARTED ONE. Courage and bravery is up. May the action that takes place be for humanity’s highest good.
2.MERCURY-the mind and soul of man and all communications in all of us is activated in SAGITTARIUS, the SAGE and Wise One. May we recognize and understand the truth when we see it and the messages when we hear them.
3.NEPTUNE-spiritual force and strength in all of us is activated in PISCES which brings in Christ consciousness, sensitivity, Divine service for the good of all… and it is in unity with the North Node bringing in Divine Destiny. It is meant to be and it will not be stopped. (It) is the action that will take place. Neptune works “behind the scenes” and what occurs is often unknown. Believe, have faith and loose the fear.
A semi-Grand Trine of flow energy is also a part of the full moon experience and it’s powerful….
1. PLUTO-the transformer/volcanic in nature/death and rebirth/transmutation-healing… at a critical degree (anaretic degree) IS IN UNION with the Solarized Feminine in VENUS in Aquarius. The love nature is strong. Venus is also our receptive nature, so we could have a lot coming up from the depths of ourselves that needs to SEE THE LIGHT of HEALING and transformation. It flows to....
2. URANUS-abrupt change/electric/lightening speed. We have the support from the Universe to change. Whatever happens, it is for the good of humankind. Uranus is the natural ruler of Aquarius - the Humanitarian. And in Taurus, we are dealing with our physical values which includes FINANCES, and all physical possessions that we use to identify ourselves with. We ask, Is it really me? Flows to…
3. NEPTUNE-spiritual force and strength in Christ consciousness. There is peace in strength. We do well to believe and have faith in new Earth. She has arrived and so have we. We are not separate.
Chiron in Aries represents the first wound in mankind (in us) - which was Separation from God-Source. A crystalline sextile flows to and from the moon and Chiron and transmits what is necessary for the wound to be healed (in us). The Sun flows vitality and Krystic light to Chiron for strength and endurance (in us).
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We connect to it now
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use your voice!
Color of Light
Musical Note
Solfége Sound
Keyboard tuned to
Welcome to Tune to the Light
A Somatic Sound Journey
Gemini Full Luminous Light
We are complete.
Peace to you
The Peace of
Sagittarius New Luminous Light Cycle
Sagittarius New Luminous Cycle - 11/30/2024 • 10:21 PM, PST
Ruling Planet: Jupiter • Color: Indigo • 6th Chakra/Third Eye/Ajna: TO SEE
Element: Fire/spirit • Solfége Sound: LA (lah)
Musical Note: A
New dark luminous cycles call us within to find the Light. The energy is feminine, receptive,
internal and asks us to plant the “seeds” of our good thoughts into the fertile fields of
consciousness to bloom at a later time.
Sagittarius Message
Sun and Moon united in newness represents the Christo-Sophia in Sacred Union (Heiro Gamos within and without). This cycle brings this Union into the expansive Spirit Fire of Sagittarius, which is super-conscious on the wheel of the zodiac. Here we learn TO SEE beyond what the mundane mind perceives with its opposite Gemini and planet Mercury. We are purified… and expanded to not only see anew, but to UNDERstand and see beyond the physical to the TRUTH. Sagittarius is about seeking the truth, the mind-to-spirit expansion through higher education, philosophies, spiritual and religious studies, and long-distance travel.
New Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar-Love, my Sun Christic-center Father Arc burns within me in sacred union with Holy Mother Sophia and the Divine Fire Waters causing great mists to rise of Spiritual Earth, showing our highest potential; our emotional needs are met by going within and recognizing that this Solar Christic Fire of Love and Light is within me, and is within you, and all. This time is of great expansion of the spirit, which will draw forth our seeds from within, to pour forth our good thoughts (good seeds) into the cosmic collective field of consciousness. In fullness, in beauty, and for the good of all life everywhere, this energy is received. We are grateful, and we breathe in our gratitude and we sound out our gratitude… We are Free and we are Blest.
Path of Light Emanations
Sun and moon 9° united in Sagittarius-Fire spirit OPPOSES Jupiter-expander 17° in opposing Gemini-wind/mind) and T-squares tension which releases and expresses through Saturn-authority/government & structure 12° Pisces
Our Sacred Union within & without (Christos-Sophia), expands greatly the mundane mind TO SEE and to ultimately express through Saturn-the Builder, which will bring forth harsh karma to see and understand in order to build anew the crystalline structures of new life on new Earth. All structure is being cleared and cleansed in Christ consciousness (Saturn in Pisces) to be newly born.
Jupiter-spiritual force (with new moon energy) also opposes Mercury, ruler of Gemini -mundane mind/communications and movements and T-squares tension that releases into Neptune-spiritual force in Pisces-Christ consciousness united with North Node
The expansion of our spiritual fire TO SEE beyond the physical, beyond the mundane, is strong. We are to more than see; we are to UNDERstand through our past and by learning higher-education, spiritual and religious studies, and long distance traveling, we are to understand OUR NEW WORLD with INNER-SIGHT - Christ consciousness, and we will build anew. North Node = Divine destiny, our new spiritual cycle is upon us.
Pluto-the transformer through death and rebirth is 0° Aquarius Wind/mind and it opposes tension to its lower octave Mars-action warrior spirit - 5° Aries Fire/spirit.
The ruling planet of generations is Pluto. Its power brings about deep healing, death and rebirth mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Its potential can be of the highest or the lowest. Opposing Mars, there is tension here… a great deal of energy is moving forward and it is forceful energy OF BIRTH. Do not block it. This is the Arrow of Truth - the Tip of the Spear. It is to help us change our world and ourselves as we move into the Aquarian Age of the Humanitarian and leave this false-light, age of slavery and self-service agenda and darkness behind.
New moon FLOWS harmony to Mars-action at 5° LEO and to Neptune-spiritual force.
This blue trine of harmony - like a tent - folds over is the strong opposition of Pluto and Mars, which is the Tip of the Spear inside the Heart of the Lion (Mars in Leo). The flow of energy comes from the New Moon union - the Christos Sophia - and pours the love into the Heart of the Spear and it flows forth into Neptune gaining spiritual force in Christ consciousness. Breathe it in. It’s real.
More flow… A semi-grand trine from Venus-receptive, SOLARIZED FEMININE is in union (conjunct) with Pluto-healer and transformer and it flows to URANUS which gives us abrupt change, with the electrical fields of HIGH MIND; its pours fourth HARMONICALLY into Neptune-spiritual forc, only to be neutralized into the everlasting peace of Christ consciousness.
Feel the love inside as a bridge over the troubled area of life that must be balanced, healed and transcended.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer in all of us, receives strength and expansion from Jupiter, and the ability to build from Saturn, while also receiving great love and compassion from VENUS in CAPRICORN, the Solarized Divine Feminine, who is at-one-ment with the power planet, Pluto now in Aquarius for the next 20 years. We will build anew in beauty.
Dream well. Plant thy seeds with intention, and remember that everything in this physical world began in the energetic realms.
Peace be with you.
Christos-Sophia is the path of spiritual Ascension that leads to the inner discovery of the spark of divinity that exists within the Sacred Crystal Heart, and is found within all creation. ~ Ascension Glossary
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary
And use your voice!
Color of Light
Musical Note
Solfége Sound
Keyboard tuned to
Welcome to Tune to the Light
A Somatic Sound Journey
Sagittarius New Luminous Light
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary
And use your voice!
Color of Light
Musical Note
Solfége Sound
Keyboard tuned to
Welcome to Tune to the Light
A Somatic Sound Journey
Sagittarius New Luminous Light
We are complete.
Peace to you
The Peace of
Sun in Sagittarius November 22nd and out and into Capricorn December 21st
Happy Birthday to all those with a Sagittarius Sun! How you warm our hearts, our minds, and our world with your great passions and adventurous spirit. We thank you. You are the Archer of the Zodiac. You aim true and steady and are not afraid to fight. Intelligent and sympathetic, you are a loyal and faithful friend. May you receive, at this time, what you so generously give to all those around you, and that is the love of an expansive heart and the deep insight of a wise mind. Be still in knowing your gift.
Sagittarius is the 3rd Fire on the Wheel of the Zodiac and is super-conscious. The Fire of Purity reigns and burns away all that no longer serves. Mastery abides - only the pure gold remains and ascends to the highest of consciousness.
Sagittarius is the 3rd Fire on the Wheel of the Zodiac and is super-conscious. The Fire of Purity reigns and burns away all that no longer serves. Mastery abides - only the pure gold remains and ascends to the highest of consciousness.
Taurus Full
Taurus Full Luminous Light Cycle 24° - 11/15/2024 • 1:28 PM, PST
Governing Planet: Venus • Chakra: 3rd Chakra (Hermetic) • Color: Yellow-Gold
Musical Note: E • Solfegé sound: MI (mē)
Vowel sound is important
Taurus is element of Earth = Physical Matter
Full Moonlight expresses outward
Taurus Message
Taurus is about “grounding” and embodying the God-Source, spirit-fire that came before in Aries and is found within. Taurus, 2nd on the wheel, is where we “identify” ourselves WITH the beauty of the physical body and the Earth, and that which makes us feel and look good. Its nature is to “build” here and now, and to be loyal and loving when balanced; otherwise can be most stubborn, self-serving and vain. Physical possessions, finances, and values live here, and thus, we may MIS-identify ourselves, to degrees, with “these things” of matter and are forced, by the Universe, to “let go” and evolve in order to find true value; that which is sacred and Divine. Taurus builds up, whereas Scorpio (Taurus’ opposite) tends to break it down, in order to find ultimate truth in the highest of Krystic Light and Love in physical form.
Full Moonlight Emanations
Our emotions, along with the salt-waters of the world, rise in response to all full moons. Mindfulness is a good practice. What stands out in this chart — for this time — is the harmonic, Grand Trine of Water (emotions) and its minor-trine forming a KITE.
See the blue lines forming the Grand Trine and look to the “head of the kite,” which points to about 10 o’clock on the wheel, to see what is called, the Peak Planet. The Peak Planet symbolizes the “task to be accomplished” by the opposite planet.
Simply said, the task at hand is PLUTO, and that is: to be deeply healed, spiritually lifted and transformed. This is to occur not only with our physical bodies, but also with the Earth, and it will be accomplished by and through the planet MARS which is about ACTION. The capacity to transmute all poisons and darkness is in our favor. All three planets work towards the development of the peak planet. Those planets are:
Remembering that all things are in the energetic realm before being made manifest in the physical, the “kite” shows, We the People help develop what the peak planet offers knowing that what we strive for is ultimate PEACE with its perfection.
Know that the many harmonic and pleasurable frequencies (shown in blue) can over-ride the stress of the opposition shown in red, which does offers us AWARENESS! With these energies, one can often go through much extreme stress only to find and learn that the “middle road” is the best road to travel. Good advice to keep in the pocket....
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love, my Sun-Krystic center is a blaze in the Eternal Flame of love and purification with the sacred and Heiro Gamos Union of Holy Father, Holy Mother inside of me and all — The Christos-Sophia. My emotions, though grounded, are of the high-mind, genius-like in nature, and electrical. They sparkle and crackle. I pray to balance and embody my Nervous System as it integrates new solar frequencies in beauty. I support the Peak Planet and we “rise above the fray” as we all further embrace Neptune’s Spiritual Force. The flow of current is alive, heady, and invigorating. My ability to expand (Jupiter) my mundane mind (Mercury) is stressed, but I express through and into crystalline structures (Saturn) of Kristic new foundations and creations: New Earth; while my love (Venus) and my lover (Mars in quincunx) do their utmost to adjust and find harmony as the inner-tension flows forth into harmonic and sustaining beauty. We are free, sacred, and sovereign.
Taurus is about “grounding” and embodying the God-Source, spirit-fire that came before in Aries and is found within. Taurus, 2nd on the wheel, is where we “identify” ourselves WITH the beauty of the physical body and the Earth, and that which makes us feel and look good. Its nature is to “build” here and now, and to be loyal and loving when balanced; otherwise can be most stubborn, self-serving and vain. Physical possessions, finances, and values live here, and thus, we may MIS-identify ourselves, to degrees, with “these things” of matter and are forced, by the Universe, to “let go” and evolve in order to find true value; that which is sacred and Divine. Taurus builds up, whereas Scorpio (Taurus’ opposite) tends to break it down, in order to find ultimate truth in the highest of Krystic Light and Love in physical form.
Full Moonlight Emanations
Our emotions, along with the salt-waters of the world, rise in response to all full moons. Mindfulness is a good practice. What stands out in this chart — for this time — is the harmonic, Grand Trine of Water (emotions) and its minor-trine forming a KITE.
See the blue lines forming the Grand Trine and look to the “head of the kite,” which points to about 10 o’clock on the wheel, to see what is called, the Peak Planet. The Peak Planet symbolizes the “task to be accomplished” by the opposite planet.
Simply said, the task at hand is PLUTO, and that is: to be deeply healed, spiritually lifted and transformed. This is to occur not only with our physical bodies, but also with the Earth, and it will be accomplished by and through the planet MARS which is about ACTION. The capacity to transmute all poisons and darkness is in our favor. All three planets work towards the development of the peak planet. Those planets are:
- MARS acts with Spirit Fire-great courage, in Leo-the conscious spiritual warrior (2) SUN in Scorpio with the deepest and most powerful of vitality for strength (3) NEPTUNE guides with SPIRITUAL FORCE in Pisces - Christ consciousness.
Remembering that all things are in the energetic realm before being made manifest in the physical, the “kite” shows, We the People help develop what the peak planet offers knowing that what we strive for is ultimate PEACE with its perfection.
Know that the many harmonic and pleasurable frequencies (shown in blue) can over-ride the stress of the opposition shown in red, which does offers us AWARENESS! With these energies, one can often go through much extreme stress only to find and learn that the “middle road” is the best road to travel. Good advice to keep in the pocket....
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love, my Sun-Krystic center is a blaze in the Eternal Flame of love and purification with the sacred and Heiro Gamos Union of Holy Father, Holy Mother inside of me and all — The Christos-Sophia. My emotions, though grounded, are of the high-mind, genius-like in nature, and electrical. They sparkle and crackle. I pray to balance and embody my Nervous System as it integrates new solar frequencies in beauty. I support the Peak Planet and we “rise above the fray” as we all further embrace Neptune’s Spiritual Force. The flow of current is alive, heady, and invigorating. My ability to expand (Jupiter) my mundane mind (Mercury) is stressed, but I express through and into crystalline structures (Saturn) of Kristic new foundations and creations: New Earth; while my love (Venus) and my lover (Mars in quincunx) do their utmost to adjust and find harmony as the inner-tension flows forth into harmonic and sustaining beauty. We are free, sacred, and sovereign.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary
And use your voice!
Color of Light
Musical Nore
Solfége Sound
Keyboard tuned to
Welcome to Tune to the Light
A Somatic Sound Journey
Taurus Full Luminous Light
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary
And use your voice!
Color of Light
Musical Nore
Solfége Sound
Keyboard tuned to
Welcome to Tune to the Light
A Somatic Sound Journey
Taurus Full Luminous Light
We are complete.
Peace to you
The Peace of
Scorpio New
Scorpio New Luminous Light Cycle 9° - 11/1/2024 • 5:47 AM PST
Governing Planet: Pluto (Mars co-rules one octave lower
Pluto Color: Ultra Violet in its highest Spiritual Power and Black as “Tau” in its Earthly Materialistic Failure and Folly
Chakra for Mars’ Action: Root Chakra, go deep and connect to the Heart of Mother Earth
Mars Color: Red • Mars Solfege Sound: Ut or Dō • Musical Note: C
New dark luminous cycles call us to find the Light within.
Energy is internal and receptive and asks us to plant the “seeds” of good thoughts
into the deep fertile fields of consciousness for the good of all life.
Note: Pluto has two colors, Ultra Violet, one of high spirituality and numerically is “0." The other is the Black of materialism with its failure and folly, and is numerically “22” (the sum of 10 planets plus 12 constellations). Note also that the color “violet” is of the Crown Chakra, which places the “ultra” ABOVE the Crown Chakra. Breathe into it… How does it feel? Now “sound-out” from this space with your love. THIS is “sound-healing.”
Our mind directs the INTENTION to HEAL. The E.MOTION behind the in.tention is what heals, for it carries the POWER of our immense emotional spectrum. SOUND carries the e.motion and sound never ends. The MIND DIRECTS the desire, thus, it must be clear for right action. Sound unwinds emotions trapped in bone and muscle tissue that often times cause sickness and disease. Breathe and Sound Free. We are responsible. Ask for Divine assistance and you will be guided in right ways.
Pluto, power planet of transmutation (healing) and deep transformation, ruling planet of Scorpio, has a major position astrologically with this new moon experience, but first….
Sun and Moon 9° Scorpio, Christos-Sophia in Sacred Union (Hiero Gamos), have a strong-flowing harmonic current with Saturn 12° Pisces. Saturn, the Good Father, has been humbled in his ways through the Krystic waters of Pisces, symbol of Christ consciousness. His essence, energetically, has been greatly humbled, though residual debris still exists, his authority as a Slave-Keeper is no more and he continues to be deeply healed and transformed for New Earth. All structure, especially that which are associated with government and power and self-serving agenda, has been destroyed.
Keep in mind, all things happen energetically before they are made manifest into the physical.
Second relationship is in direct communication with Holy Mother/Father, and they are in stress and tension with PLUTO for TRANSFORMATION/DEATH/REBIRTH. Pluto is in direct opposition with its co-planet MARS at the EXACT SAME DEGREE of force. 29° is a critical degree of FATE & CRISIS. Feel this within as a supportive force of energy to help “move through” and heal and transform thy self, thy ways and thy families and communities. How MARS will act follows and it MUST MOVE. Block it and there will be problems.
MARS is in a GRAND TRINE, 3 planets of flowing-harmonic energy with the WATERS. These waters are our E.MOTIONS & BIRTHING WATERS OF LIFE. There will be much movement and it will be PAINFUL at times. Allow the emotions to move WITHIN knowing birth is coming… Energy also works with….
MERCURY, planet of the mind and soul of man. We know it as a representation of our communications and relationships towards siblings and community; including all movements and travel. BE MINDFUL IN ALL. Be aware we have a lot of e.motions running through us AND ALL… moving to…
NEPTUNE - so PRAY. It is the planet of SPIRITUAL FORCE and is in Pisces, symbolic of the Christ consciousness. Let this force be our guiding grace and our strength, for much is moving all around and through us to BIRTH A NEW WORLD. We do our best to plant GOOD SEEDS OF THOUGHT into the Field of Consciousness that is open right now to us. Love is the key. May we be responsible.
KITE ASPECT (Blue lines are harmonic in chart, red are stress. Can you find the kite?)
The KITE works with the energy of the TRINE and brings it to a HEAD. That “head” is PLUTO. We will be reborn.
T-SQUARE OF TENSION for ultimate release
The two planets in tension is Jupiter the Expander opposing the Solarized Feminine, Venus translating to our receptive side does not want to take in what we are seeing OF THE HIGHER EXPRESSION of spirituality/religion/higher philosophies. Our ability to understand life is being expanded BEYOND BELIEF.
TWO PLANETS uniquely hold points for ultimate release:
1. Neptune shows us our illusions and delusions and shows the higher Khysitic path of Light
2. Saturn will ground us
New Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar-Love (my Sun Khristic-center), is ablaze with the unity of the Holy Mother Sophia of Wisdom and Holy Father within. The Divine Fire Water through sacred sound plasma sings out! Our human emotions are of a magnificent spectrum expressing through the birthing waters of the Mother which cause the great mists to rise as we BIRTH Spiritual Earth in all her multi-dimensional beauty. The Khrystic Light washes us clear and clean, all our bodies, here and now, past, present and future, in all dimensions and universes. We are FREE. We are blest. We are grateful.
Note: Pluto has two colors, Ultra Violet, one of high spirituality and numerically is “0." The other is the Black of materialism with its failure and folly, and is numerically “22” (the sum of 10 planets plus 12 constellations). Note also that the color “violet” is of the Crown Chakra, which places the “ultra” ABOVE the Crown Chakra. Breathe into it… How does it feel? Now “sound-out” from this space with your love. THIS is “sound-healing.”
Our mind directs the INTENTION to HEAL. The E.MOTION behind the in.tention is what heals, for it carries the POWER of our immense emotional spectrum. SOUND carries the e.motion and sound never ends. The MIND DIRECTS the desire, thus, it must be clear for right action. Sound unwinds emotions trapped in bone and muscle tissue that often times cause sickness and disease. Breathe and Sound Free. We are responsible. Ask for Divine assistance and you will be guided in right ways.
Pluto, power planet of transmutation (healing) and deep transformation, ruling planet of Scorpio, has a major position astrologically with this new moon experience, but first….
Sun and Moon 9° Scorpio, Christos-Sophia in Sacred Union (Hiero Gamos), have a strong-flowing harmonic current with Saturn 12° Pisces. Saturn, the Good Father, has been humbled in his ways through the Krystic waters of Pisces, symbol of Christ consciousness. His essence, energetically, has been greatly humbled, though residual debris still exists, his authority as a Slave-Keeper is no more and he continues to be deeply healed and transformed for New Earth. All structure, especially that which are associated with government and power and self-serving agenda, has been destroyed.
Keep in mind, all things happen energetically before they are made manifest into the physical.
Second relationship is in direct communication with Holy Mother/Father, and they are in stress and tension with PLUTO for TRANSFORMATION/DEATH/REBIRTH. Pluto is in direct opposition with its co-planet MARS at the EXACT SAME DEGREE of force. 29° is a critical degree of FATE & CRISIS. Feel this within as a supportive force of energy to help “move through” and heal and transform thy self, thy ways and thy families and communities. How MARS will act follows and it MUST MOVE. Block it and there will be problems.
MARS is in a GRAND TRINE, 3 planets of flowing-harmonic energy with the WATERS. These waters are our E.MOTIONS & BIRTHING WATERS OF LIFE. There will be much movement and it will be PAINFUL at times. Allow the emotions to move WITHIN knowing birth is coming… Energy also works with….
MERCURY, planet of the mind and soul of man. We know it as a representation of our communications and relationships towards siblings and community; including all movements and travel. BE MINDFUL IN ALL. Be aware we have a lot of e.motions running through us AND ALL… moving to…
NEPTUNE - so PRAY. It is the planet of SPIRITUAL FORCE and is in Pisces, symbolic of the Christ consciousness. Let this force be our guiding grace and our strength, for much is moving all around and through us to BIRTH A NEW WORLD. We do our best to plant GOOD SEEDS OF THOUGHT into the Field of Consciousness that is open right now to us. Love is the key. May we be responsible.
KITE ASPECT (Blue lines are harmonic in chart, red are stress. Can you find the kite?)
The KITE works with the energy of the TRINE and brings it to a HEAD. That “head” is PLUTO. We will be reborn.
T-SQUARE OF TENSION for ultimate release
The two planets in tension is Jupiter the Expander opposing the Solarized Feminine, Venus translating to our receptive side does not want to take in what we are seeing OF THE HIGHER EXPRESSION of spirituality/religion/higher philosophies. Our ability to understand life is being expanded BEYOND BELIEF.
TWO PLANETS uniquely hold points for ultimate release:
1. Neptune shows us our illusions and delusions and shows the higher Khysitic path of Light
2. Saturn will ground us
New Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar-Love (my Sun Khristic-center), is ablaze with the unity of the Holy Mother Sophia of Wisdom and Holy Father within. The Divine Fire Water through sacred sound plasma sings out! Our human emotions are of a magnificent spectrum expressing through the birthing waters of the Mother which cause the great mists to rise as we BIRTH Spiritual Earth in all her multi-dimensional beauty. The Khrystic Light washes us clear and clean, all our bodies, here and now, past, present and future, in all dimensions and universes. We are FREE. We are blest. We are grateful.
Come into Center
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now consciously
connect to it
and we leave the false-light
matrix behind.
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in our meditations.
See and Sense
the color of this cycle,
Ultra Violet
Or white plasma light.
Music tuned to 444
Note C-4
Allow your own experience.
Use your voice!
Link: https://youtu.be/ElgAvix2mwE?si=22dTPHAou2HOiM-I
We are complete.
Peace to you
The Peace of
Sun in Scorpio October 23rd and out and into Sagittarius November 23rd
Happy Birthday to all those with Sun in Scorpio!! Your massive strength to go to the depths of darkness and rise up is immensely appreciated. We all have “you” to degrees. It is what gives us deep insight to see and sense what many miss, and it may always be pretty - but we face it. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows, you are the Healers of the Zodiac, the elevated ones and not the lower-self-serving power mongrels. May your Solar Return give you great warmth of heart and joy, and the vitality needed to do good for many.
We need it! We need YOU! XO
We need it! We need YOU! XO
Aries Full
Aries Full Luminous Light Cycle 24° - 10/17/2024 • 4:26 AM, PST
Governing Planet: Mars • Chakra: Root Chakra • Color: Red • Musical Note: C
Solfegé sound: DŌ or UT • Vowel sound is important
Aries' element: Fire = Spirit
Full Luminous Light expresses outward
Aries’ Message
Aries is about beginnings and endings — the Resurrection of Life. We will be clearing and cleaning a new path, releasing what no longer serves in order to rise to the occasion in absolute beauty, joy and Krystic Light.
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love, my Sun-Krystic center is a blaze in a fire of love and purification with the Sacred and Heiros Gamos Union of Holy Father Arc, Holy Mother Sophia inside of me and all.
Full Moonlight Emanations
When we look at the chart, we see what looks to be a chaotic swarm of red (tension) and blue (harmony) lines. What we ultimately have is a Grand Cross and a Grand Trine, the epitome of stress and tension in one event - our Full Moon. And that’s probably what a lot of people are feeling. Try to understand the order in the so-called chaos. New life - our very lives - are to emerge, RESURRECT in newness. Remember, all things happen in higher frequencies before physical matter.
A Grand Trine in the Water Signs gives us a flow of harmony with our emotions amidst our Fire Moon. Know it. Own it, and express it well.
1. VENUS, the Solarized Feminine of Love (our receptive self) is deeply healing and transforming in a critical degree of fate in Scorpio; all shadow and darkness that has degraded and enslaved our world for so long be gone.
She sends her energy to…
2. MARS, the spiritual-male for right-action and protection of homelands and family in Cancer to be safe and well.
He sends his good energy to…
3. NEPTUNE, planet of SPIRITUAL FORCE gives us great strength in Pisces, the Fish, symbol of Christ consciousness. Our gender-wars are over and we seek balance, healing and strength. Feel it. Neptune sends the Light of the Christ to VENUS and the tetrahedron spins in beauty within and without. (Reversal Polarity Current/Gender Reversals and Reversal Networks...
"Gender Reversal and Reversal NetworksThe energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry. The hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the Trinity Wave (unity) code would not be accessible. Effectively, this produced Reversal Networks used to harvest bio-energy which also generated Gender Reversal in the human lightbody. This process of splitting gender and reversing Gender Principle on the planet is referred to as Anti-HG Technology. This forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating Monadic Reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or "Gender Twin Consciousness Matrix". This machinery intends Gender Reversal or Gender Splitting in humanity, and this is related to the NRG and the Sexual Misery programs inserted to genetically alter the human race.[3]" www.ascensionglossary.com)
We are healing from this atrocity....
The GRAND CROSS gives us some stress for stability; it is actually helping us to bring the higher frequencies into our lower world, or physical matter. The four points on the cross are….
This is the end of what was, and the beginning of a brand new life and a brand new world. May we embrace the potential of these moments in beauty, peace and unity as One People, One Voice, One New Earth.
MARS also trines a harmonic relationship with the electrical and genius quality of URANUS. Grounded in the earth, the changes will flow with the trine of emotions. Our nervous systems are good, though there is some concern with our vitality. (Uranus quincunx Sun in Libra). Be wary; changes are a part of life. We do not have to understand it all with our minds.
Mars is also active with THE GOOD FATHER (Saturn-structure/government) who has been spiritualized in Pisces-Christ consciousness and seeks new ways to structure our world mindfully (Mercury trined).
Sun and Moon both have harmonic relationships with JUPITER, the SPIRITUAL EXPANDER in Gemini. The winged-messengers have taken flight and will deliver to all those in need.
Aries is about beginnings and endings — the Resurrection of Life. We will be clearing and cleaning a new path, releasing what no longer serves in order to rise to the occasion in absolute beauty, joy and Krystic Light.
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love, my Sun-Krystic center is a blaze in a fire of love and purification with the Sacred and Heiros Gamos Union of Holy Father Arc, Holy Mother Sophia inside of me and all.
Full Moonlight Emanations
When we look at the chart, we see what looks to be a chaotic swarm of red (tension) and blue (harmony) lines. What we ultimately have is a Grand Cross and a Grand Trine, the epitome of stress and tension in one event - our Full Moon. And that’s probably what a lot of people are feeling. Try to understand the order in the so-called chaos. New life - our very lives - are to emerge, RESURRECT in newness. Remember, all things happen in higher frequencies before physical matter.
A Grand Trine in the Water Signs gives us a flow of harmony with our emotions amidst our Fire Moon. Know it. Own it, and express it well.
1. VENUS, the Solarized Feminine of Love (our receptive self) is deeply healing and transforming in a critical degree of fate in Scorpio; all shadow and darkness that has degraded and enslaved our world for so long be gone.
She sends her energy to…
2. MARS, the spiritual-male for right-action and protection of homelands and family in Cancer to be safe and well.
He sends his good energy to…
3. NEPTUNE, planet of SPIRITUAL FORCE gives us great strength in Pisces, the Fish, symbol of Christ consciousness. Our gender-wars are over and we seek balance, healing and strength. Feel it. Neptune sends the Light of the Christ to VENUS and the tetrahedron spins in beauty within and without. (Reversal Polarity Current/Gender Reversals and Reversal Networks...
"Gender Reversal and Reversal NetworksThe energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the Vesica Pisces a bi-polar geometry. The hijacked Vesica Pisces code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the Trinity Wave (unity) code would not be accessible. Effectively, this produced Reversal Networks used to harvest bio-energy which also generated Gender Reversal in the human lightbody. This process of splitting gender and reversing Gender Principle on the planet is referred to as Anti-HG Technology. This forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating Monadic Reversal patterns which split us up from reuniting with our Monadic or "Gender Twin Consciousness Matrix". This machinery intends Gender Reversal or Gender Splitting in humanity, and this is related to the NRG and the Sexual Misery programs inserted to genetically alter the human race.[3]" www.ascensionglossary.com)
We are healing from this atrocity....
The GRAND CROSS gives us some stress for stability; it is actually helping us to bring the higher frequencies into our lower world, or physical matter. The four points on the cross are….
- The Moon in Aries is about our emotions — emotions that have been far too long controlled and manipulated by a false-lit-dark-mother-moon alien technology — that is in the process of being purified and renewed. Know it. Feel it. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, joins in with the Solarized Divine and Cosmic Holy Mother, for the healing of man and woman of Earth, Tara, Gaia.
- Across from the Moon is the Sun (creating the full moon) who holds our vitality and who represents the Solar Love of the Spiritual Father in balance in Libra.
- Mars holds a point on the GRAND CROSS and the GRAND TRINE. Male force, of good heart and mind, you are the warriors of light protecting home, mother and child helping to bring the higher frequencies onto the Earth and lifting us with your vigilance and courageous hearts. We thank you.
- Opposite Mars is its higher octave - Pluto, the power planet, symbolic of the highest of highs spiritually and the lowest of lows in material fatality. And even though they are in tension, they are in absolute harmony! Leaving behind a fog-of-war in Capricorn (Pluto 29°), they are united in a common mission to clear, and clean, and lift planet Earth and all life into a new and higher existence.
This is the end of what was, and the beginning of a brand new life and a brand new world. May we embrace the potential of these moments in beauty, peace and unity as One People, One Voice, One New Earth.
MARS also trines a harmonic relationship with the electrical and genius quality of URANUS. Grounded in the earth, the changes will flow with the trine of emotions. Our nervous systems are good, though there is some concern with our vitality. (Uranus quincunx Sun in Libra). Be wary; changes are a part of life. We do not have to understand it all with our minds.
Mars is also active with THE GOOD FATHER (Saturn-structure/government) who has been spiritualized in Pisces-Christ consciousness and seeks new ways to structure our world mindfully (Mercury trined).
Sun and Moon both have harmonic relationships with JUPITER, the SPIRITUAL EXPANDER in Gemini. The winged-messengers have taken flight and will deliver to all those in need.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
See and Sense
the color of this cycle, or
Simply see the dazzling white plasma light.
Breathe it into the Root Chakra,
Then release.
The Light will go where it needs to go…..
Crystal Bowl tuned to C-4
Allow your own individual experience.
Use your voice!
Link: https://youtu.be/AZ2LjWUP1cE
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
See and Sense
the color of this cycle, or
Simply see the dazzling white plasma light.
Breathe it into the Root Chakra,
Then release.
The Light will go where it needs to go…..
Crystal Bowl tuned to C-4
Allow your own individual experience.
Use your voice!
Link: https://youtu.be/AZ2LjWUP1cE
We are complete.
Peace to you.
The Peace of
Libra New Moonlight Partial Solar Eclipse
Libra New Moonlight 10° - 10/2/2024 • 11:49 AM, PST • Partial Solar Eclipse • Element: Air (Mind/Intellect)
Governing Planet: Venus • Color: Yellow-Gold • 3rd Chakra
Solfeggio Sound: MI (mē) • Musical Note: E
Partial Solar Eclipse intensified the energies and may cause them to last longer.
New dark moon call us inside to find the Light within. The energy is internal and receptive and asks
us to plant the “seeds” of good thoughts into the fertile fields of consciousness for the good of all life everywhere.
Libra Message
The Libra energy is known for harmony and balance. Tis the 7th House in the Zodiac associated with the Day of Rest in creation. But it is the searching for this balance that can often consume the one with strong Libra in their chart. For some it is a “driving force” with the strong Mars of Aries, which is Libra's opposite reflection. The 2nd air sign ultimately wants peace, and that comes from a balance of mind and heart. The 7th House is the Home of Law, right action, justice, peace and marriage. The new moon is at-one-ment (conjunct) with Mercury. The planting of seeds in mindfulness with great care and compassion for the next seven generations is highly supported. In sacred tarot, Libra is known as Isis Unveiled; she is Sky Woman, full, pregnant with the mysteries and the cosmic seed.
Light Emanations
The Christos-Sophia is in Sacred Union (Hieros gamos) inside and out with the mind and soul of man (symbolic of Mercury), which includes all our communications, movements and relationships. Breathe this in. Make peace with this realization.
The planet Mars, and its action, is being worked upon by the Mother in the Cancer constellation. It’s the only one of two relationships in this new moon that is stressful. “Be mindful and creative. Use action in right ways for ultimate peace.” Mars is strong and active in a Grand Trine. But the other stressful relationship is with Jupiter-the spiritual expander in Gemini. Yes, we are being pushed beyond our comfort zones to see the truth of not only our world, but of who we are as Krystic Light beings having a physical, human experience.
Interesting to note there is a “flow” of energy from the new moon and Mercury to help us grow and expand. This is good - we feel the invigorating peace in special moments and we are grateful. The stress, however comes with our bodies, our bones, and the structure of authority we thought was real and good (Saturn). Know Saturn is also a part of the Grand Trine of flowing emotions. Neptune-spiritual strength with Christ consciousness presses us to open and release the pain and pressure; to surrender in ways but to stay strong in the Light.
Also activated is a semi-trine which is 3 planets in a flowing current of energy; two of which are in pure harmony, Pluto and Uranus, and they both move their energies through Neptune.
Pluto-the transformer (death and rebirth) in the last degrees of Capricorn (government and karma and structure)… flows positive energy - PLUTO IS THE HIGHEST SPIRITUALLY and the lowest - to Uranus-fast game changer/electrical in nature/humanitarian into Taurus-Earth/money, finances, material possessions, earthly values. They both express through Neptune: SPIRITUAL STRENGTH in Pisces: Christ consciousness.
Chiron in Aries at 21° is still working deeply the first wound of human-kind which is the First Wound - the one of separation from Source, God and the betrayal we felt. We are beginning to realize this it was FALSE. We have never been separated; it was an illusion and a lie. We are in eternal oneness and grace with the One, Source of all. Law of One
New Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar-Love (my Sun Khristic-center) burns within me of the Sacred Union of Holy Divine Mother, Sophia of Wisdom and the Father Arc. Together we birth the living waters, the Fire Water of the Prima Materia - the Azoth. Mists rise of Spiritual Earth … which shows our pure potential .. and we see as we have never seen before, as my emotional needs are met by going inside and finding the Light of Source within me and all. We are sovereign, we are free, and we are grateful.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now begin to consciously
connect to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
The vowel E is in resonance with the planet Venus, ruler of the 3rd chakra in western hermetic astrology.
The symbol of Venus is created by drawing a circle, which represents the sun, and a cross of matter, which symbolizes the earth.
The Sun Solar-plexus is in resonance.
Keyboard tuned to Solfeggio 444
Venus Color: Yellow-Gold
Solfége Sound: MI (ēē)
Use you voice: the eee vowel-sound is a “horizontal sound.”
With this knowledge and intention, we can free currents within ourselves, while we help
to clear the horizontal grids, or ley lines, known as the Golden Eagle Grids inside the earth
Only In Love.
We are complete.
Peace to you.
The Peace of
Sun moves into Libra September 23 and out and into Scorpio October 23rd
Happy Birthday and Happy Solar Return to all Libras! You are all about harmony and balance in this world. How do you do it?
Actually, it is the “crisis” of balance that you so often experience in your search for that perfect equilibrium. You strive for it every day and every night, however consciously or not. In this goal, and the journey towards it (as it is momentarily experienced), there is beauty, there is peace and a sense of justice. Thank you for never giving up. We all have aspects of Libra, to degrees. One thing, to keep peace at all cost does not serve anyone's highest good. You can release that one. We need right action in these times balanced with your gifts of diplomacy and kindness. It is what gives us Universal Law. The world needs Libra's gifts now more than ever,
along with our love. Enjoy your time!
Libra rules over the lower back, or lumbar region, and the kidneys. Human function is the sense of feeling.
Galactic Astrology Support for Libra
Ask God and higher self to delete through all time and space any contract or agreement that is inorganic to christ-sophia unified consciousness. Clear the crown… Welcome the return of the clear light of God through your mind fields, brain, and central vertical column.
Late August into September and October brings to Solar Light those working on the embodiment pieces for the Triple Solar Goddess sacred sophianic awakening on the Earth... Returning the true sophianic expression of the Triple Solar Female Christ in her Solar Dragon Queen emanation requires nerves of steel while her consciousness is going into the darkest hell realms and back, as the reclamations required for the embodiment process are inexpressible to those who do not know this experience and thus will not understand.
Actually, it is the “crisis” of balance that you so often experience in your search for that perfect equilibrium. You strive for it every day and every night, however consciously or not. In this goal, and the journey towards it (as it is momentarily experienced), there is beauty, there is peace and a sense of justice. Thank you for never giving up. We all have aspects of Libra, to degrees. One thing, to keep peace at all cost does not serve anyone's highest good. You can release that one. We need right action in these times balanced with your gifts of diplomacy and kindness. It is what gives us Universal Law. The world needs Libra's gifts now more than ever,
along with our love. Enjoy your time!
Libra rules over the lower back, or lumbar region, and the kidneys. Human function is the sense of feeling.
Galactic Astrology Support for Libra
Ask God and higher self to delete through all time and space any contract or agreement that is inorganic to christ-sophia unified consciousness. Clear the crown… Welcome the return of the clear light of God through your mind fields, brain, and central vertical column.
Late August into September and October brings to Solar Light those working on the embodiment pieces for the Triple Solar Goddess sacred sophianic awakening on the Earth... Returning the true sophianic expression of the Triple Solar Female Christ in her Solar Dragon Queen emanation requires nerves of steel while her consciousness is going into the darkest hell realms and back, as the reclamations required for the embodiment process are inexpressible to those who do not know this experience and thus will not understand.
🌞Autumn Equinox Blessings to you!🌞
"The Light of Truth & Autumn Equinox 2024"
False Light Matrix:
False Light Matrix:
Pisces Full Moonlight Partial Lunar Eclipse
Pisces Full Moonlight Partial Lunar Eclipse 9/17/2024 • 7:34 PM, PST
Governing Planet: Neptune • Color: Changing Iridescence • Human function: Thought transference
No Chakra - Tone: Music of the Spheres
Also in resonance is Neptune's lower octave which is Venus.
Venus Color: Yellow • Venus Chakra: 3rd • Tone: E
Full Moonlight expresses outward
Pisces Message
Take care of thy sensitive heart. Pisces is about believing. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is in close vibrational union with the Moon giving us a dream-like state. Things may not feel really “real” during this week, but try not to judge it. Rather, use it as a gift. Dream work is good and meditation and visualization tools will be very powerful at this time. What will be in high resonance is the ability to connect with Source, God, Creator of all and thy Higher-self or God-self. But then one may also choose to get lost and escape through drugs and alcohol and a number of mind-numbing practices. It is a choice and all is an aspect of Pisces - the Fish, symbol of Christ consciousness. Neptune, and its lower octave of Venus, brings into resonance all the beauty of the arts and music for us to revel in and express through.
Light Emanations
Sun and Moon opposite each other causes the Full Moon, but much more is happening. Something special is at hand. We have a partial Lunar Eclipse intensifying the energies and causing for many, a longer lasting experience than the one day.
A Grand Earth Trine of flowing energies from 3 planets PLUS a fourth planet (and fifth), which causes more flowing energy and the full moon in opposition! The planets and light-bodies ultimately create what is known in astrology as a KITE. Can you see it in the chart? It is a unique energetic relationship (blue harmony lines) that targets the moon, our emotional mood.
Grand Trine:
•Sun 25° Virgo is our vitality and will be concerned with health and work. It will flow to:
•Uranus 27° Taurus, which will facilitate fast changes, (electrical/nervous systems), and it will be focused on our bodies, our earthly possessions, and our finances. It will continue to flow to:
Pluto 29° Capricorn, who energetically is concerned with deep healing and transformations. It will focus on all physical outer and inner-structures, The Law of Structure — the pre-matter spiritual blue-print and structural form — and it will highlight government, as Pluto is still in conjunction-union with July 4, 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed and ratified for the United States for America, of which Pluto was 27°33’ Capricorn. One can begin to see and sense how we as individuals are not separate from what occurs on outside.
Add Two Planets in Sextile Creating The Kite:
Pluto 29° Capricorn: transmute and transform, and Uranus 27° Taurus: fast changes (electrical in nature); both send their frequency harmonically into the Moon-Sophia 25° and she is in union with Neptune 28,° who are both in Pisces-Christ consciousness.
If one views the Kite in the chart, it may be easier to understand. Look for the blue Grand Trine, and then you’ll see the point or head of the Kite. The Moon and Neptune are its point! If we imagined it as a bow with an arrow, we would pull the Moon and Neptune back on the bow, carefully align with our target, and release.
Translating: There is great potential to be released with a definite feeling of fate. Our toil, our physical pain and struggle as human beings upon this planet for eons, has the great potential to be released. Freedom of want is before us now if we so choose. Mother Earth is holding within her the new codes of a new Earth. She desires freedom and so do we!
Other Accompanying Relationships: T-square. We are stressed in our mind. Who and what we have been taught to believe in and look up to as far as authority may not be correct. We express our tension - and empty out - through religion and spirituality. (Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter)
More tension, and this is coming from the KITE and the full moonlight ECLIPSED experience…. This stress again comes from Jupiter that wants to EXPAND us. It brings up our thoughts and beliefs on religion, spirituality, philosophies and higher education. We could feel overwhelmed and zapped of energy. Be aware and rest when needed. Also, remember the flow of energies we are offered at this time.
Mars warrior energy of courage FLOWS harmonically (and wide) into Saturn offering us the courage to deal with these changes in structure and belief.
Venus, the Solarized female, is strong in her own constellation of Libra at 23°. Libra is Sky Mother, or Isis Unveiled, and she is pregnant. She is in a QUINCUNX relationship to the Moon representing the Holy Mother principle. A quincunx of 150° causes constant adjustments and interruptions to be made by both parties. It is not comfortable, nor is it peaceful, therefore let us have patience with these aspects of ourselves. A new magnetic coding of Mother-Daughter is revealing now to bring forth new base code templating… as we now build energetically the links to the passageway leading to the Ascension Earth through Andromeda.
Full Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar Love (my sun Krystic-center) is ablaze with the golden-white Liquid Plasma Light of the Holy Christos-Sophia (Father Arc and Mother Arc) in Sacred Union. The awakening Holy Father is illuminating his return as the Spiritual Sun behind the Sun, (and has begun) the phase of returning masculine archetypal forces of benevolence merged with true power …while the Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation. Mists arise as consciousness as my emotional needs are met by trusting and believing in the Greater Plan. Pisces marks the end of the old and the beginning of the new; a pre-matter existence. The three primal light and sound fields hold the ray expressions of Mother Arc, Father Arc and Golden Ray Sun of Christos, the trinity of the Godhead, from which all biological forms are created in all of the Harmonic Universes. New Earth lives!
Take care of thy sensitive heart. Pisces is about believing. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is in close vibrational union with the Moon giving us a dream-like state. Things may not feel really “real” during this week, but try not to judge it. Rather, use it as a gift. Dream work is good and meditation and visualization tools will be very powerful at this time. What will be in high resonance is the ability to connect with Source, God, Creator of all and thy Higher-self or God-self. But then one may also choose to get lost and escape through drugs and alcohol and a number of mind-numbing practices. It is a choice and all is an aspect of Pisces - the Fish, symbol of Christ consciousness. Neptune, and its lower octave of Venus, brings into resonance all the beauty of the arts and music for us to revel in and express through.
Light Emanations
Sun and Moon opposite each other causes the Full Moon, but much more is happening. Something special is at hand. We have a partial Lunar Eclipse intensifying the energies and causing for many, a longer lasting experience than the one day.
A Grand Earth Trine of flowing energies from 3 planets PLUS a fourth planet (and fifth), which causes more flowing energy and the full moon in opposition! The planets and light-bodies ultimately create what is known in astrology as a KITE. Can you see it in the chart? It is a unique energetic relationship (blue harmony lines) that targets the moon, our emotional mood.
Grand Trine:
•Sun 25° Virgo is our vitality and will be concerned with health and work. It will flow to:
•Uranus 27° Taurus, which will facilitate fast changes, (electrical/nervous systems), and it will be focused on our bodies, our earthly possessions, and our finances. It will continue to flow to:
Pluto 29° Capricorn, who energetically is concerned with deep healing and transformations. It will focus on all physical outer and inner-structures, The Law of Structure — the pre-matter spiritual blue-print and structural form — and it will highlight government, as Pluto is still in conjunction-union with July 4, 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed and ratified for the United States for America, of which Pluto was 27°33’ Capricorn. One can begin to see and sense how we as individuals are not separate from what occurs on outside.
Add Two Planets in Sextile Creating The Kite:
Pluto 29° Capricorn: transmute and transform, and Uranus 27° Taurus: fast changes (electrical in nature); both send their frequency harmonically into the Moon-Sophia 25° and she is in union with Neptune 28,° who are both in Pisces-Christ consciousness.
If one views the Kite in the chart, it may be easier to understand. Look for the blue Grand Trine, and then you’ll see the point or head of the Kite. The Moon and Neptune are its point! If we imagined it as a bow with an arrow, we would pull the Moon and Neptune back on the bow, carefully align with our target, and release.
Translating: There is great potential to be released with a definite feeling of fate. Our toil, our physical pain and struggle as human beings upon this planet for eons, has the great potential to be released. Freedom of want is before us now if we so choose. Mother Earth is holding within her the new codes of a new Earth. She desires freedom and so do we!
Other Accompanying Relationships: T-square. We are stressed in our mind. Who and what we have been taught to believe in and look up to as far as authority may not be correct. We express our tension - and empty out - through religion and spirituality. (Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter)
More tension, and this is coming from the KITE and the full moonlight ECLIPSED experience…. This stress again comes from Jupiter that wants to EXPAND us. It brings up our thoughts and beliefs on religion, spirituality, philosophies and higher education. We could feel overwhelmed and zapped of energy. Be aware and rest when needed. Also, remember the flow of energies we are offered at this time.
Mars warrior energy of courage FLOWS harmonically (and wide) into Saturn offering us the courage to deal with these changes in structure and belief.
Venus, the Solarized female, is strong in her own constellation of Libra at 23°. Libra is Sky Mother, or Isis Unveiled, and she is pregnant. She is in a QUINCUNX relationship to the Moon representing the Holy Mother principle. A quincunx of 150° causes constant adjustments and interruptions to be made by both parties. It is not comfortable, nor is it peaceful, therefore let us have patience with these aspects of ourselves. A new magnetic coding of Mother-Daughter is revealing now to bring forth new base code templating… as we now build energetically the links to the passageway leading to the Ascension Earth through Andromeda.
Full Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar Love (my sun Krystic-center) is ablaze with the golden-white Liquid Plasma Light of the Holy Christos-Sophia (Father Arc and Mother Arc) in Sacred Union. The awakening Holy Father is illuminating his return as the Spiritual Sun behind the Sun, (and has begun) the phase of returning masculine archetypal forces of benevolence merged with true power …while the Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation. Mists arise as consciousness as my emotional needs are met by trusting and believing in the Greater Plan. Pisces marks the end of the old and the beginning of the new; a pre-matter existence. The three primal light and sound fields hold the ray expressions of Mother Arc, Father Arc and Golden Ray Sun of Christos, the trinity of the Godhead, from which all biological forms are created in all of the Harmonic Universes. New Earth lives!
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously to it
and we fill it with our love,
as we leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Come and rest.
See and Sense
The White Plasma Light.
Breath it in.
Soft iridescence
shines within and without.
My awareness of
The Music of the Spheres
Venus Solfeggio Sound: MĪ
Venus Note: E
Keyboard 444
Use your voice!
Photo credit: Pisces (Art by Sequoia)
We are complete.
Peace to you
The Peace of
We are complete.
Peace to you
The Peace of
Virgo New Moonlight
Virgo New Moonlight - 9/2/2024 • 6:55 PM, PST
Governing Planet: Mercury • Color: Violet • Crown Chakra
Solfeggio Sound: TI/SI (TĒ/SĪ) Musical Note: B
New dark moon calls us inside to find the Light.
The energy is internal and receptive and asks us to plant the “seeds” of good thoughts
into the fertile fields of consciousness for the good of all life.
Virgo Message:
Virgo is the woman of science. She knows how to mix things for good food, good medicine, good health, and good work. A flow of harmonic energy is seen in the blue Grand Trine of Air between Venus (love/war) and she leads, Pluto (transform), Uranus (change). This support of AIR: mind and intellect, to “accept” change as a way to transform thoughts of war into love is ACCENTED by a minor-trine (forming a Kite) which takes the flowing-energy and moves it out of, and allows it to express through, NEPTUNE, which is the Spiritual Force in Pisces’ Christ consciousness. This is a beautiful thing, and remember, these are seeds of thoughts we are planting for the future of our children and our world.
There is also stress, and it can be found directly with the new moon influencing our ability to #1) heal & organize ourselves [NM Virgo] #2) plan and build and DREAM for a new future [Saturn in Pisces] #3) to see and expand our relationships spiritually [Jupiter in Gemini]…. Mercury, planet of mindfulness, helps our expansion (Jupiter/spirituality/higher education)
New Moonlight Alchemy:
My Solar-Love (my Sun Khristic-center) burns within me as we merge into the birthing waters - emotions - of the Universal Mother Arc force, the Sophia of Wisdom to become the Christos-Sophia within and without. In Sacred Union, Cosmic Holy Father, principle of the Father Arc, unites with Holy Mother Arc, and together we create great mists to rise of Spiritual Earth … which shows our pure potential .. as my emotional needs are met by grounding and organizing my thoughts, my body, my home. I am now strong, body, mind and soul and ready for change. We can do this - We were born for it.
Virgo is the woman of science. She knows how to mix things for good food, good medicine, good health, and good work. A flow of harmonic energy is seen in the blue Grand Trine of Air between Venus (love/war) and she leads, Pluto (transform), Uranus (change). This support of AIR: mind and intellect, to “accept” change as a way to transform thoughts of war into love is ACCENTED by a minor-trine (forming a Kite) which takes the flowing-energy and moves it out of, and allows it to express through, NEPTUNE, which is the Spiritual Force in Pisces’ Christ consciousness. This is a beautiful thing, and remember, these are seeds of thoughts we are planting for the future of our children and our world.
There is also stress, and it can be found directly with the new moon influencing our ability to #1) heal & organize ourselves [NM Virgo] #2) plan and build and DREAM for a new future [Saturn in Pisces] #3) to see and expand our relationships spiritually [Jupiter in Gemini]…. Mercury, planet of mindfulness, helps our expansion (Jupiter/spirituality/higher education)
New Moonlight Alchemy:
My Solar-Love (my Sun Khristic-center) burns within me as we merge into the birthing waters - emotions - of the Universal Mother Arc force, the Sophia of Wisdom to become the Christos-Sophia within and without. In Sacred Union, Cosmic Holy Father, principle of the Father Arc, unites with Holy Mother Arc, and together we create great mists to rise of Spiritual Earth … which shows our pure potential .. as my emotional needs are met by grounding and organizing my thoughts, my body, my home. I am now strong, body, mind and soul and ready for change. We can do this - We were born for it.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now begin to consciously
connect to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in all our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Rest & Reflect
Tune to the Light within.
See and Sense:
Violet Light at the Crown Chakra.
Breathe it in.
Humm or SĒ or TĒ
Musical Note: B
Use your voice!
Sound & Light Meditation
Virgo New Moonlight
Keyboard tuned to 444
Link to Tune to the Light - Virgo New Moonlight
Photo credit: Amethyst Order Ramas (Art by Sequoia)
. . .
We are complete.
Peace to you.
The peace of
Sun moves into Virgo, August 23rd and moves out and into Libra, September 23rd
Happy Solar Return to all Virgos! You are the mind of order and practicality we so need and appreciate in this world. Thank you! And this same mind is the alchemist who knows what and when, where and how, to mix the right ingredients for the right outcome. Your deliberacy is a gift, and we all have it to degrees. Your opposite is in Pisces which encourages "you" to give those gifts in Divine service.
Virgo rules over health and work. Self-care is up!! Tune to the Light and focus the Light (color: Violet Ray), and your breath, into these areas of the body which are in resonance during this spiritual cycle: the abdomen and the entire digestive system, which includes the small intestine, duodenum and pancreas
Late August into September and October brings to Solar Light those working on the embodiment pieces for the Triple Solar Goddess sacred sophianic awakening on the Earth... Returning the true sophianic expression of the Triple Solar Female Christ in her Solar Dragon Queen emanation requires nerves of steel while her consciousness is going into the darkest hell realms and back, as the reclamations required for the embodiment process are inexpressible to those who do not know this experience and thus will not understand.
Aquarius Full Moonlight
Aquarius Full Moonlight - 8/19/2024 • 11:25 AM, PST
Governing Planet: Uranus • Color: Dazzling White
Uranus has no direct chakra; however, use its lower-octave planet Mercury which is in resonance.
Mercury: Crown Chakra where Christ energy/consciousness comes through. Mercury regulates the body-mind: Nervous System, The Breath, Arms and Lungs • Uranus is Higher Mind • The Element is Air: Mind/Intellect
Solfeggio Sound for Mercury/Crown Chakra: DŌ • Musical Note B
Full Moonlight expresses outward
Aquarius Message:
A Finger of God, or Yod, points at the Sun, which is representative of the spiritual sun, the Solar and eternal Love that comes from the Christ, or Christos-Sophia - the Sacred Union within and without. A Yod is considered to be a rare aspect in astrology involving 3 planets. During this spiritual cycle, we have 5 planets involved. Look to the chart. See the dotted green lines which indicate the Yod.
“The hand,” and major 2 planets in harmony (sextile) in the Yod is, Neptune 29° Aries and Pluto 0° Aquarius. Stay with me on this, and try to alchemize and understand the energies. Energy is consciousness….
Aries is the element of fire that symbolizes SPIRIT. Aquarius is the element of air that symbolizes MIND. (The spiritual mind is being activated. Use the breath to balance.) The planet Neptune represents Spiritual Force, and in the constellation of Pisces, which is Christ consciousness, there is a great deal of strength now being offered to us, and is in harmony with…
The planet Pluto, which is known as the power planet for its representation of transmutation (healing) for deep transformation: death, birth and rebirth. There is a powerful flow between the two planets, and both are in what is called an Anaretic Degree, or degree of FATE. Own it. We are meant to be here, right now, at this time doing exactly what we’re doing, and we have much assistance from Source-God, Creator of all to change things for the better now. No coincidences. We were all born for this time.
In this Yod, the two planets, Pluto and Neptune, though they are in harmony, they both have a challenging relationship with the Sun, (that which the Finger of God is pointing to), whose essence represents the Holy Spiritual Father. The sun, in Leo - at its base expression - is the ego, the child within. If the child does not feel loved, he or she will "act out" in life and can become the most dangerous without conscious and without emotional maturity. The child within (the ego) that does feel loved has the best chance of leading a happy and balanced life.
What the Finger of God offers to us, is the chance to ADJUST. We are learning to adjust to the light and the love of Source, Creator of all - the Khystic LIGHT that is all around is - is inside of each of us as human beings. Breathe it in, center and shine. We have for too long been told we are separate from Source. Open thy heart and mind. The Sun is in union (conjunct) with the planet Mercury giving us mindfulness of spirit in Leo, which brings in the COURAGE OF THE HEART.
That is the energy and consciousness of the Yod. But we have the moon in-between Neptune and Pluto, and she is exactly opposite the Sun conjunct Mercury. For those that do not know, sun opposite the moon is what creates our full moonlight each month.
The moon is 27° Aquarius, in the constellation of the HUMANITARIAN. She, as the Sophia of Wisdom, Holy Mother — Holy Cosmic Mother (Solar Christ Mary) — is now strong and free from the dark lunar forces that have imprisoned her for all too long: she is SOLARIZED and in complete Sacred Union (Hiero Gamos) with the Holy Father, Sun in Leo 27°. Never stronger and never closer are they to us than at this time of great transition. IN THE LIGHT feel them… and feel their eternal love for us and Earth and Tara and Gaia. We are one.
A T-square exists of tension from the Sun/Mercury and Moon opposition to the RULER OF OUR FULL MOONLIGHT SPIRITUAL CYCLE - planet URANUS; planet of abrupt change, genius quality, electricity - WHITE PLASMA LIGHT that can shatter the body into new levels of HIGH MIND and awareness. It is important to ground at this time and be in nature and be IN LOVE. We can do this. We are the LIGHT.
I offer you another understanding of a Yod, or Finger of God. I support www.ascensionglossary.com Click on the hyperlinks in purple for more information:
The Yod of Father God restores the Law of Compassion for humanity on the earth… The Yod can only be represented while in the Three Parts of its inherent Trinity. The Holy Father, The Holy Mother and the Holy Son (Holy Daughter). The Yod means “hand” and it suggests an outstretched hand or arm that is reaching from Heaven to earth, it is the bridge of God consciousness made between heaven and earth. Yod is the first letter of Yeshua, the Guardian Christ which is also a reference to the Father principle of God of which he as the (Christos) embodies in human form while on the earth. The Yod is Spirit of One and from the One all other things are created in this Universe, through the power of his spoken word all is made in Universal Love and Compassion.
A Finger of God, or Yod, points at the Sun, which is representative of the spiritual sun, the Solar and eternal Love that comes from the Christ, or Christos-Sophia - the Sacred Union within and without. A Yod is considered to be a rare aspect in astrology involving 3 planets. During this spiritual cycle, we have 5 planets involved. Look to the chart. See the dotted green lines which indicate the Yod.
“The hand,” and major 2 planets in harmony (sextile) in the Yod is, Neptune 29° Aries and Pluto 0° Aquarius. Stay with me on this, and try to alchemize and understand the energies. Energy is consciousness….
Aries is the element of fire that symbolizes SPIRIT. Aquarius is the element of air that symbolizes MIND. (The spiritual mind is being activated. Use the breath to balance.) The planet Neptune represents Spiritual Force, and in the constellation of Pisces, which is Christ consciousness, there is a great deal of strength now being offered to us, and is in harmony with…
The planet Pluto, which is known as the power planet for its representation of transmutation (healing) for deep transformation: death, birth and rebirth. There is a powerful flow between the two planets, and both are in what is called an Anaretic Degree, or degree of FATE. Own it. We are meant to be here, right now, at this time doing exactly what we’re doing, and we have much assistance from Source-God, Creator of all to change things for the better now. No coincidences. We were all born for this time.
In this Yod, the two planets, Pluto and Neptune, though they are in harmony, they both have a challenging relationship with the Sun, (that which the Finger of God is pointing to), whose essence represents the Holy Spiritual Father. The sun, in Leo - at its base expression - is the ego, the child within. If the child does not feel loved, he or she will "act out" in life and can become the most dangerous without conscious and without emotional maturity. The child within (the ego) that does feel loved has the best chance of leading a happy and balanced life.
What the Finger of God offers to us, is the chance to ADJUST. We are learning to adjust to the light and the love of Source, Creator of all - the Khystic LIGHT that is all around is - is inside of each of us as human beings. Breathe it in, center and shine. We have for too long been told we are separate from Source. Open thy heart and mind. The Sun is in union (conjunct) with the planet Mercury giving us mindfulness of spirit in Leo, which brings in the COURAGE OF THE HEART.
That is the energy and consciousness of the Yod. But we have the moon in-between Neptune and Pluto, and she is exactly opposite the Sun conjunct Mercury. For those that do not know, sun opposite the moon is what creates our full moonlight each month.
The moon is 27° Aquarius, in the constellation of the HUMANITARIAN. She, as the Sophia of Wisdom, Holy Mother — Holy Cosmic Mother (Solar Christ Mary) — is now strong and free from the dark lunar forces that have imprisoned her for all too long: she is SOLARIZED and in complete Sacred Union (Hiero Gamos) with the Holy Father, Sun in Leo 27°. Never stronger and never closer are they to us than at this time of great transition. IN THE LIGHT feel them… and feel their eternal love for us and Earth and Tara and Gaia. We are one.
A T-square exists of tension from the Sun/Mercury and Moon opposition to the RULER OF OUR FULL MOONLIGHT SPIRITUAL CYCLE - planet URANUS; planet of abrupt change, genius quality, electricity - WHITE PLASMA LIGHT that can shatter the body into new levels of HIGH MIND and awareness. It is important to ground at this time and be in nature and be IN LOVE. We can do this. We are the LIGHT.
I offer you another understanding of a Yod, or Finger of God. I support www.ascensionglossary.com Click on the hyperlinks in purple for more information:
The Yod of Father God restores the Law of Compassion for humanity on the earth… The Yod can only be represented while in the Three Parts of its inherent Trinity. The Holy Father, The Holy Mother and the Holy Son (Holy Daughter). The Yod means “hand” and it suggests an outstretched hand or arm that is reaching from Heaven to earth, it is the bridge of God consciousness made between heaven and earth. Yod is the first letter of Yeshua, the Guardian Christ which is also a reference to the Father principle of God of which he as the (Christos) embodies in human form while on the earth. The Yod is Spirit of One and from the One all other things are created in this Universe, through the power of his spoken word all is made in Universal Love and Compassion.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
lunar matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Come and rest.
See and Sense:
The Dazzling White (plasma light) into the Crown Chakra.
Breathe it in.
See also the Violet of Mercury, the lower octave of Uranus
Element: Air-Mind: THE BREATH
Mercury Solfeggio Sound:
DŌ or Humm
Musical Note: B
Allow your own individual experience.
Use your voice!
Keyboard tuned to 444
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
lunar matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Come and rest.
See and Sense:
The Dazzling White (plasma light) into the Crown Chakra.
Breathe it in.
See also the Violet of Mercury, the lower octave of Uranus
Element: Air-Mind: THE BREATH
Mercury Solfeggio Sound:
DŌ or Humm
Musical Note: B
Allow your own individual experience.
Use your voice!
Keyboard tuned to 444
We are complete.
Peace to you.
The peace of
The Lion's Gate 8/8
The Blog: https://www.somaticsoundtherapeutics.com/blog/lions-gate-88
Leo New Moonlight
Leo New Moonlight - 8/4/2024 • 4:13 AM, PST
Governing Light Body: Sun • Color: Orange • 2nd Chakra Sacral: sexual & creative energy
Element: Fire/Spirit • Solfeggio Sound: MI (mē) • Musical Note: D
New dark moons call us within to find the Light.
Tis a planting time.
Leo Message:
Sun and Moon united in newness represent the Christo-Sophia in Sacred Union in the spirit-fire of Leo - THE LION-HEART. We roar our lion-hearts with great courage and great love - inside and out - to live life as we were meant to, free, sovereign, true and in extraordinary beauty.
New Moonlight Alchemy:
My Solar-Love (my Sun Christic-center) burns within me as we merge into the living and Divine Fire Waters of the Holy Mother Sophia creating mists to rise of Spiritual Earth (our highest potential) as our emotional needs are met by going within and recognizing the Light within me is in all. We are expanded, transformed and lifted into new heights of consciousness; we are newly spiritualized - solarized - and grounded. We are free. We are grateful.
Path of Light Emanations
Sun and moon 12° in Leo harmonically sends love and courage to...
Jupiter united with Mars to be expanded spiritually and enabled with courage to act in right and mindful ways (Gemini-air/mind); the energy moves onward to...
Saturn to "stress tension" to build new structures (Saturn) inside and out, with the true Authority of Christ Consciousness (Saturn in Pisces) - Thy will be done.
Jupiter and Mars (with Saturn energetically) feels the pressure and sends it...
To Mercury to be of "right mind" (Mercury in Virgo-Woman of Science) and in love and compassion with the Solarized and Divine female- Venus. That’s a flow. Feel it in thyself. Look at the chart. Blue lines are harmonic and red lines are stressful for learning.
We follow the energy further… Venus, united with Mercury, also sends and receives electro-magnetic life-force from URANUS, who is HIGH MIND and electrical, gets grounded in Taurus-Earth Mother. As it happens to us, it happens to her. We are of the same “center” Source. And this energy moves into a Minor Grand Trine of flowing frequencies from…
Uranus’s “fast changes for humanity’s highest good” to Neptune-Spiritual Force in Pisces-Christ consciousness to Pluto-transmutation-healing and transformation. North Node unties with Pluto showing us it is Divine destiny. Huge flow of transformative and healing energies from the depths of earth, space, inter-space, galactic center and all dimensions.
Pluto also sends its powerful energies for rebirth to Jupiter (to expand) and Mars (for strength) which flows back and into THE NEW MOON. Feel it. May we plant our seeds of thought well.
Pluto at 0° and Neptune at 29° and Venus at 29° are all in what is called, Anaretic degrees of fate, or crisis. It is an amazing time to be alive.
But behind it all, we have a remarkable relationship going on and is called a YOD, or FINGER OF GOD. Look at the chart and see the dotted green line. The relationship involves Pluto, Neptune/NN and Venus/Mercury.
At its wide points is Pluto and Neptune/NN. They are in harmony for deep sacred healings and transformations. But they are “uncomfortable” and “learning to adjust” with the SOLARIZED FEMALE (VENUS); which is our receptive side, and Mercury, representative of our minds and ability to be mindful. Let us make peace within as we Tune to the Light.
The Solarized female is who we are. She has been lost to us, just as the Holy Cosmic Mother (Solar Christ Mary) has, in lunar and dark forces of mind control, aggression, twisted narratives and lies. They have, however returned. We embrace them in our hearts and in our souls.
An overview of a Yod of which I support from www.ascensionglossary.com Use hyperlinks in purple for more information:
The Yod of Father God restores the Law of Compassion for humanity on the earth… The Yod can only be represented while in the Three Parts of its inherent Trinity. The Holy Father, The Holy Mother and the Holy Son. The Yod means “hand” and it suggests an outstretched hand or arm that is reaching from Heaven to earth, it is the bridge of God consciousness made between heaven and earth. Yod is the first letter of Yeshua, the Guardian Christ which is also a reference to the Father principle of God of which he as the (Christos) embodies in human form while on the earth. The Yod is Spirit of One and from the One all other things are created in this Universe, through the power of his spoken word all is made in Universal Love and Compassion.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Come and rest.
Color: Orange • 2nd Chakra Sacral: sexual & creative energy • Element: Fire/Spirit
Solfeggio Sound: MI (mē) Musical Note: D
Crystal Bowl D#
Use your voice!
Leo New Moonlight
Active Link: https://youtu.be/77Il2ANsilc
We are complete.
Sun moves into Leo, July 23 and moves out and into Virgo, August 23rd
Happy Solar Return to all Leos! You are the “Heart of the Sun” which is why you are called, the Lion-hearted ones. And yes, we all have this resonate energy within us - to degrees - but you embody it! Thank you for your courage of heart and willingness to beat all odds in order that Justice be served. May this new year bring you great joy.
"... with Leo constellation, the emphasis is on the alchemical themes of digestion and conversion of the summer solar fire that ignites the crystal heart, spiritualizing our blood and activating the inner Diamond Sun to amplify personal sovereignty. Regulus, the ultramarine star in the heart of the Lion, is one of the Four Royal Stars that roar within in order to point us towards the north, as we must find the inner courage to face our spiritual challenges and rise to our heroic probability. Leo constellation is a direct reference to the Cosmic Elohei Mother lineages. As we awaken and return to our spiritual home with our Cosmic Holy Mother, we recognize that she chose to create and embody into the original Feline-Leonine hominin forms as the Elohei-Elohim.
"... with Leo constellation, the emphasis is on the alchemical themes of digestion and conversion of the summer solar fire that ignites the crystal heart, spiritualizing our blood and activating the inner Diamond Sun to amplify personal sovereignty. Regulus, the ultramarine star in the heart of the Lion, is one of the Four Royal Stars that roar within in order to point us towards the north, as we must find the inner courage to face our spiritual challenges and rise to our heroic probability. Leo constellation is a direct reference to the Cosmic Elohei Mother lineages. As we awaken and return to our spiritual home with our Cosmic Holy Mother, we recognize that she chose to create and embody into the original Feline-Leonine hominin forms as the Elohei-Elohim.
Capricorn Full Moonlight
Capricorn 2nd Full Moonlight • 7/21/24 • 3:17 AM, PST
Element: Earth Physical • Ruling Planet: Saturn • Saturn Color: Blue • Chakra: 5th-Throat/Will
Saturn Solfeggio Sound: SŌL (soul) • Saturn Musical Note: G
Full Moonlight expresses outward
Capricorn Message: The energy of the Father Arc comes again to remind us to be strong of mind, loving of heart, and responsible with action, and the harsh realities of life will soon ebb, and success will flow.
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love (my Sun-Christic center) is ablaze within me as we merge into the Lunar waters (emotions) of the Universal Mother Arc, the Sophia of Wisdom creating mists. to rise of New Earth (our pure potential). We feel this in our own heart-centers and we breathe into this space… She is in her full power as Holy Mother in Sacred Union (Heiro Gamos) with the Christos - Christos-Sophia. They are within us, and we are within Them. Together, with the transmutative and transformative strength of the power planet, Pluto (each planet has its own energy/consciousness), they - we - are “reclaiming and restoring” Holy Mother’s creation.
The electrical fields of plasma-light (Uranus and the subtle, Angelic Realms) have great strength and courage (Mars) to move through and into all that needs to be healed (Pluto) and rebuilt (Taurus-earth-body); action (Mars) occurs in the invisible realm of Neptune, Mother Sea of Life, within her waters. Neptune gives to us the spiritual strength we need to come into grace… to help us through our advancement into higher consciousness. The “Mother principle is finally returning energetic balance into the earth core through the magnetic fields." (GSF) What occurs outside is within. We are free, sovereign and grateful.
Path of Light Emanations
She is in her full power as Holy Mother in Sacred Union (Heiro Gamos) with the Christos - Christos-Sophia and They are within us, and we are within Them. Our energies (energy is consciousness) flow into the union of planets Uranus and Mars. The electrical high-mind, that of the genius in us all, (inter-net) is shattering our old reality for the new to come in. Mars gives the flow an aggressive nature. “Thy will be done.”
This energy-consciousness of the Full Moonlight of Capricorn continues to flow forth from Moon, Pluto, Uranus and Mars into and out of Neptune (1. semi-trine) giving us spiritual strength harmonically from Christ consciousness, (Neptune in Pisces). Neptune, the Moon, Pluto, Mars and the Sun are all in Anaretic critical degrees of FATE. Again, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven… Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
2nd semi-trine of flowing light energy involves the full moonlight, but not the Moon, rather it is the Sun (spiritual Father) in Cancer (Solar Love of the Mother); He is in full harmonic flow with Neptune-spiritual force of Christ consciousness, and it pours into URANUS & MARS further expressing abrupt changes in our world FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANKIND, and thankfully softens the experience to some extent.
More flow of energy/consciousness comes from Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter expands us spiritually through travel, religion, philosophies, spiritual studies and higher education. In Gemini, our minds (and our nervous systems) will be moving through lots of that-kind-of data while our bodies try to also adjust to the higher vibrations. With a flow to Venus, however there is great joy and love in the experience for many.
The only stress (red lines in chart) in the full moonlight experience, other than Moon opposite Sun, involves Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and of the full moon.
Saturn, symbolic of the mundane father, (not the spiritual father) and the authority associated with success or failure with career and government. It is in tension with Jupiter.
We are being expanded to see (Jupiter) and believe (Pisces) in a much greater picture than we’ve been told of not only about ourselves, but of our world and our relationship to all things. The stress comes from resisting the expansion, the growth. Trust. Have faith and we will move through.
Saturn in Pisces, #1. softens what is often times a harsh and restrictive energy. The Saturnian Old Patriarch has finally surrendered into the unconditional love of the One, the eternal sea and is about to be completely reborn. Message: Unseen forces of the Christ (Pisces) are building and restructuring (Saturn) all matter of physicality in us and in our world in unseen ways.
Uranus and Mars, although they are in flow with the full moonlight experience shown in the two semi-trines, they are in tension with our minds and our nervous systems which are represented by Mercury.
Mercury is in the fire sign of Leo so our egos are strained. The more we hold onto what no longer serves our highest good, the deeper we take ourselves into stress, separation and disease. Find the child within. Choose the light and breathe. See Sound Journey into Heart Space. We can do this. We were born for it.
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love (my Sun-Christic center) is ablaze within me as we merge into the Lunar waters (emotions) of the Universal Mother Arc, the Sophia of Wisdom creating mists. to rise of New Earth (our pure potential). We feel this in our own heart-centers and we breathe into this space… She is in her full power as Holy Mother in Sacred Union (Heiro Gamos) with the Christos - Christos-Sophia. They are within us, and we are within Them. Together, with the transmutative and transformative strength of the power planet, Pluto (each planet has its own energy/consciousness), they - we - are “reclaiming and restoring” Holy Mother’s creation.
The electrical fields of plasma-light (Uranus and the subtle, Angelic Realms) have great strength and courage (Mars) to move through and into all that needs to be healed (Pluto) and rebuilt (Taurus-earth-body); action (Mars) occurs in the invisible realm of Neptune, Mother Sea of Life, within her waters. Neptune gives to us the spiritual strength we need to come into grace… to help us through our advancement into higher consciousness. The “Mother principle is finally returning energetic balance into the earth core through the magnetic fields." (GSF) What occurs outside is within. We are free, sovereign and grateful.
Path of Light Emanations
She is in her full power as Holy Mother in Sacred Union (Heiro Gamos) with the Christos - Christos-Sophia and They are within us, and we are within Them. Our energies (energy is consciousness) flow into the union of planets Uranus and Mars. The electrical high-mind, that of the genius in us all, (inter-net) is shattering our old reality for the new to come in. Mars gives the flow an aggressive nature. “Thy will be done.”
This energy-consciousness of the Full Moonlight of Capricorn continues to flow forth from Moon, Pluto, Uranus and Mars into and out of Neptune (1. semi-trine) giving us spiritual strength harmonically from Christ consciousness, (Neptune in Pisces). Neptune, the Moon, Pluto, Mars and the Sun are all in Anaretic critical degrees of FATE. Again, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven… Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
2nd semi-trine of flowing light energy involves the full moonlight, but not the Moon, rather it is the Sun (spiritual Father) in Cancer (Solar Love of the Mother); He is in full harmonic flow with Neptune-spiritual force of Christ consciousness, and it pours into URANUS & MARS further expressing abrupt changes in our world FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANKIND, and thankfully softens the experience to some extent.
More flow of energy/consciousness comes from Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter expands us spiritually through travel, religion, philosophies, spiritual studies and higher education. In Gemini, our minds (and our nervous systems) will be moving through lots of that-kind-of data while our bodies try to also adjust to the higher vibrations. With a flow to Venus, however there is great joy and love in the experience for many.
The only stress (red lines in chart) in the full moonlight experience, other than Moon opposite Sun, involves Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn and of the full moon.
Saturn, symbolic of the mundane father, (not the spiritual father) and the authority associated with success or failure with career and government. It is in tension with Jupiter.
We are being expanded to see (Jupiter) and believe (Pisces) in a much greater picture than we’ve been told of not only about ourselves, but of our world and our relationship to all things. The stress comes from resisting the expansion, the growth. Trust. Have faith and we will move through.
Saturn in Pisces, #1. softens what is often times a harsh and restrictive energy. The Saturnian Old Patriarch has finally surrendered into the unconditional love of the One, the eternal sea and is about to be completely reborn. Message: Unseen forces of the Christ (Pisces) are building and restructuring (Saturn) all matter of physicality in us and in our world in unseen ways.
Uranus and Mars, although they are in flow with the full moonlight experience shown in the two semi-trines, they are in tension with our minds and our nervous systems which are represented by Mercury.
Mercury is in the fire sign of Leo so our egos are strained. The more we hold onto what no longer serves our highest good, the deeper we take ourselves into stress, separation and disease. Find the child within. Choose the light and breathe. See Sound Journey into Heart Space. We can do this. We were born for it.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We breathe into this
That is within,
And we leave the false-light matrix
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Attune with the resonate color
And have an experience.
Sound offers direct experience
Light and Sound Meditation
Key of G
Keyboard tuned to 444
Solfeggio Sound: SŌL
Tune to the Full Moonlight - Capricorn
Active Link:https://youtu.be/ZEuBLNGd7M0
This is your time,
As the fullness of a spiritual cycle
is once more upon us,
We focus on the Light.
We are the
And we are relaxing…
Just breathing
And listening.
Continue to breathe and relax.
We can close our eyes
If we wish,
And see and sense the color
Resonate with this cycle.
Just relaxing.
In stillness, emotions and thoughts rise.
We allow them to rise
And express outward
like steam,
like mist
through the long deep sigh.
Through sound
we unwind even deeper
emotions held in bone
and muscle.
and tone
and humm
the peace that lives
in your heart
Breathe in thy gratitude
Sigh out thy gratitude
We match the sound of the
wind through grasses and trees.
There’s only
Which is Light
Shining in us
We are complete.
Cancer New Moonlight
Cancer New Moonlight - 7/5/2024 • 3:57 PM, PST
Element: Water-Emotions • Governing Light Body: Moon
Color: Green • Chakra: Heart, 4th • Solfeggio Sound: FAH • Musical Note: F
New dark moons call us inside to find the light. They are Seeding Times.Thoughts are seeds for the collective field of consciousness. The stronger the thought with emotion behind it, the more successfully it will root.
Cancer Message
Our human eye is more open and receptive to the color green than any other shade in the color-light spectrum. Is it no wonder that green is the color of nature and our human-Heart Chakra. No coincidences. Mother Earth is green and blue. Blue are the waters and that matches with our Throat Chakra from whence we speak our will, and sing our hearts. We celebrated that when the moon was full 6/21. Now we go within.
Cancer is about our feeling nature which involves: mother, home, family, traditions, the past and all that is domestic. In the natural astrological wheel, or Zodiac, Cancer holds THE ROOT of our world, our lives called the IC, or Imum Coeli which means in Latin “bottom of the heavens.”
The Waters of Cancer are the organic waters of life; that which birthed first organic life. Come into this “centering-space” inside thyself and rest and breathe. Feel this energy alive in you… and see and sense what you wish for thyself, thy children and thy family and Mother Earth in these days here and now, and on into the future. We will plant these seeds well and trust they will bloom in beauty.
Click on violet links: Sound of Breath, exercise for your peace and strength and Sound Journey into Heart Space to feel the love necessary to share and plant it well.
New Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar-Love (my Sun Christic-center) burns into the Lunar waters of the Universal Mother force - the Sophia of Wisdom who is at-one-ment with the Solarized Female. This union of the Christos-Sophia (Sun/Moon) and daughter, the Divine feminine (Venus), holds and emits great love into the rising mists of Spiritual Earth (our highest potential) and continues to be stressed to transmute from the deepest of levels (Pluto) in order to be raised and transformed into Light … This is us. Holy Mother/Father/Child is within - we are not separate.
Our emotional needs are met (moon) not so much by our minds, (as Mercury 5° is widely united with Venus 22° Sun & Moon 14°), but through her, Venus-Divine Feminine, we (and the new moon) connect harmonically to Neptune-spiritual force in Pisces Christ-consciousness. This connection takes us out of our heads and into our Heart Space, which leads to our soul. Feel it - Sing it - Sound it out.
As Pluto 1° Aquarius works with the new moonlight within and without, blue lines show on chart the harmonic flow of the deeply transforming energies moving and alchemizing into Jupiter (9°) to be expanded spiritually in Gemini-The Messenger.
Same powerful harmonic flow continues into electrical Uranus-high mind (25°) altering consciousness and giving us the courage to act in right ways (Mars 19°). Both are in Earth-Taurus which is grounded supporting our physical bodies and earth to contain the high vibrations..
Uranus and Mars will be very close on July 15th and could cause a sudden event or “shattering” of our perceived reality in some way. Be aware and be prepared.
Saturn 19° Pisces, the Good Father Arc, works with Pisces Christ consciousness and the inner Mother-moonlight to build and stabilize inner-infra structures - both unseen and seen and crystalline - for New Earth and the her living Organic Waters. We are free, we are grateful.
Our human eye is more open and receptive to the color green than any other shade in the color-light spectrum. Is it no wonder that green is the color of nature and our human-Heart Chakra. No coincidences. Mother Earth is green and blue. Blue are the waters and that matches with our Throat Chakra from whence we speak our will, and sing our hearts. We celebrated that when the moon was full 6/21. Now we go within.
Cancer is about our feeling nature which involves: mother, home, family, traditions, the past and all that is domestic. In the natural astrological wheel, or Zodiac, Cancer holds THE ROOT of our world, our lives called the IC, or Imum Coeli which means in Latin “bottom of the heavens.”
The Waters of Cancer are the organic waters of life; that which birthed first organic life. Come into this “centering-space” inside thyself and rest and breathe. Feel this energy alive in you… and see and sense what you wish for thyself, thy children and thy family and Mother Earth in these days here and now, and on into the future. We will plant these seeds well and trust they will bloom in beauty.
Click on violet links: Sound of Breath, exercise for your peace and strength and Sound Journey into Heart Space to feel the love necessary to share and plant it well.
New Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar-Love (my Sun Christic-center) burns into the Lunar waters of the Universal Mother force - the Sophia of Wisdom who is at-one-ment with the Solarized Female. This union of the Christos-Sophia (Sun/Moon) and daughter, the Divine feminine (Venus), holds and emits great love into the rising mists of Spiritual Earth (our highest potential) and continues to be stressed to transmute from the deepest of levels (Pluto) in order to be raised and transformed into Light … This is us. Holy Mother/Father/Child is within - we are not separate.
Our emotional needs are met (moon) not so much by our minds, (as Mercury 5° is widely united with Venus 22° Sun & Moon 14°), but through her, Venus-Divine Feminine, we (and the new moon) connect harmonically to Neptune-spiritual force in Pisces Christ-consciousness. This connection takes us out of our heads and into our Heart Space, which leads to our soul. Feel it - Sing it - Sound it out.
As Pluto 1° Aquarius works with the new moonlight within and without, blue lines show on chart the harmonic flow of the deeply transforming energies moving and alchemizing into Jupiter (9°) to be expanded spiritually in Gemini-The Messenger.
Same powerful harmonic flow continues into electrical Uranus-high mind (25°) altering consciousness and giving us the courage to act in right ways (Mars 19°). Both are in Earth-Taurus which is grounded supporting our physical bodies and earth to contain the high vibrations..
Uranus and Mars will be very close on July 15th and could cause a sudden event or “shattering” of our perceived reality in some way. Be aware and be prepared.
Saturn 19° Pisces, the Good Father Arc, works with Pisces Christ consciousness and the inner Mother-moonlight to build and stabilize inner-infra structures - both unseen and seen and crystalline - for New Earth and the her living Organic Waters. We are free, we are grateful.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now connect consciously
to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
>The Sound of Breath<
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Color: Orange • 2nd Chakra Sacral: sexual & creative energy
Element: Fire/Spirit • Solfeggio Sound: MI (mē)
Musical Note: D
Crystal Bowl Sound & Light Meditation
Key D
Use your voice!
Link: https://youtu.be/rnkXTKszkYI
This is your time,
as we move into the darkness
of a new moon spiritual cycle,
we focus on
the Light.
We are the
And we are relaxing
Just breathing.
We can close our eyes
And see and sense the color of light that is in resonance
With this time.
We put our mind’s focus
Into the center of our chest
Just below the sternum.
We breathe into this space.
And again
Breathing into the chest,
fill the belly
And exhale.
Last time
Into the heart
Fill belly
All the way down.
Now relax
And breathe as you need to.
The sounds of nature connect us.
As we rest, let us imagine what we wish to see for our children…
and if you do not have any children,
imagine what the children of the world will look like in their highest joy…
with sun shining.
We feel our love for them…
And the center of our chest warms.
And we feel their love come to us -
Breathe it in
And sound out your love for them
The love is the Light
Ever growing
Ever Expanding.
We are the Love
Which is
We breathe in our gratitude
We breathe sigh out our gratitude,
And we shine.
We are complete.
June 20, 2024
Sun moves into Cancer June 21st - July 22nd
Happy Solar Return to all those born with the sun in the constellation of Cancer. We do so appreciate you and the gifts you carry to ensure family, home, and traditions are valued and maintained. We all have this emotional place inside our hearts, but you embody it. Thank you. We love you. Life would not be the same without you. Happy Birthday!
Capricorn Full Moonlight
Capricorn Full Moonlight
Earth-Physical Body
6/21/2024 • 6:07 PM, PST • Ruling Planet: Saturn
Saturn Color: Blue • Chakra: 5th • Saturn Solfeggio Sound: SŌL • Saturn Musical Note: G
Capricorn Message: Full moonlight expresses outward that which is within. Be ye strong of mind, loving in heart, and responsible with action, and harsh realities will ebb and success will flow.
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love (my Sun-Christic center) is a blaze in love with the mind and soul of man, and we merge as we burn into the lunar-birthing waters (emotions) of the Universal Mother, the Sophia of Wisdom, and the mists rise of new Spiritual Earth - showing our greatest potential - as our emotional needs are met by knowing the crystalline structures are alive and well inside and out. This spiritual flame of love with mindfulness, carried within the spiritual Father - Father Arc - at-one-ment - Hiero Gamos Sacred Union - with the Holy Mother Sophia, Christos Sophia. In this spiritual cycle, they give to us great strength and courage to act (Mars) in right ways upon the earth (Taurus). The Shaman’s death (Pluto) presses to move us into even deeper levels to clear out the old; that which no longer serves. From there we rise -up on Eagle wings to expand (Jupiter) further and be electrified into the new light of high consciousness (Uranus-The Humanitarian). Into that harmonic-wave we breathe and become one with Christ consciousness (Neptune-spiritual force). We are free!
Path of Light Emanations
Moon-Mother opposite Sun-spiritual Father conjunct Venus-love and Mercury-mind and soul of man. Moon-emotions with Sun-vitality, Venus-love, and Mercury-communications flow into Mars-action in Taurus-earth (loyal and stubborn). Things get done, physical matters are dealt with, and the past is put in order. But some things are so deep, they do not want to be moved or be changed and yet, expansion of the mind (Jupiter wind-Gemini) with spirit comes to lift us, and we rise from our depths and heaviness. We realize, there could very well be a greater picture. Crystalline-structures of light … One spirit moving through all things, living, breathing, loving.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We breathe into this
One Light
And we leave the false-light matrix
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Attune with the resonate color.
Have an experience.
Light and Sound Meditation
Tunned to 444 Solfeggio frequency
Solfeggio Sound for Saturn
This is your time.
As the fullness of a spiritual cycle
is once more upon us,
We focus on the Light
We are the
And we are relaxing…
Just breathing
And listening.
Continue to breathe and relax.
We can close our eyes
If we wish,
And see and sense the color
Resonate with this cycle
Just relaxing
In stillness, emotions and thoughts rise.
We allow them to rise
And express outward
like steam,
like Mist
through the long deep sigh.
Through sound
we unwind even deeper
emotions held in bone
and muscle.
and tone
and humm
the peace that lives
in your heart
Breathe in thy gratitude
Sigh out thy gratitude
We match the sound of the
wind through grasses and trees.
There’s only
Which is Light
Shining in us
We are complete.
Gemini New Moonlight
6/6/2024 • 5:57 AM, PST
Element: Air-mind • Governing Planet: Mercury • Color: Violet • Chakra: Crown
Solfeggio Sound: TI/SI (tē/sē) • Musical Note: B
New dark moons call us inside to find the light - the Light of Life. These are Seeding Times. Thoughts are seeds for the collective field of consciousness. The stronger the thought (with emotion behind it), the more successfully it will root. Let’s keep them positive.
Gemini Message
Gemini is about our communications; how and what we listen to, think about and communicate to others. This “movement of air or intellect” creates first relationships other than with our parents such as siblings/brothers/sisters and close community; that which can “flip” on a dime. Gemini is THE TWINS. Take time for thyself to be still and to focus on thy breath. Enjoy conversation and short travels. Ideas and messages will be heard on the wind.
Special Note
What we think about, we become, especially those thoughts we repeat over and over again. A way to clear unwanted thoughts is to express them. Share them with another or write them down on paper and then burn the paper. At best, simply give them to Greater Hands: Mother Earth, or God-Source - Creator of all and don’t forget to Humm. Sound of Breath exercise for your peace and strength.
New Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar-Love (my Sun Christic-center) burns into the Lunar waters of the Universal Mother force - the Sophia of Wisdom who is at-one-ment with the Solarized Female. This union of the Christos-Sophia (Sun/Moon) and daughter, the Divine feminine (Venus), emits great love into the rising mists of Spiritual Earth (our highest potential) having been transmuted from the deepest of levels and raised and transformed into Light (Pluto)… My emotional needs are met by being mindful. Mindful (mercury) of the expansiveness (Jupiter) of the Life Force (Uranus) right now. I feel the courage (Mars) to act for the greater good as the Wounded Healer (Chiron) and Spiritual Warrior resurrects within me - Christ consciousness (Neptune) flows in peace and strength into this timeline of Divine destiny (North Node). The cosmic “seeds of love” (Venus) will be protected by the good Father in Pisces - Arc of the Father (Saturn) - He ensures these “seeds of light” - which are of our own light - are fruitful and abundant. We are free. We are sovereign. We are grateful.
Path of Light Emanations
Spiritual Sun 16°, the Christos is in Sacred Union with the moon 16°, symbol of the Mother, Sophia of Wisdom: Christo-Sophia — Heirogamic union in Gemini, home of the Winged-Messenger.
Their unity fecundates cosmic seeds of love and of light (Venus 16° Gemini) to be planted with • Mindfulness (Mercury 6° Gemini) and • Spiritual expansiveness (Jupiter 2° Gemini) • Life force, high-mind and electricity (Uranus 24° Taurus)
All (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus) to be transmuted and transformed from the deepest of levels to the highest of Light by Pluto 1° Aquarius-The Humanitarian.
There is stress from power planet Pluto to take heart and have courage to act in right ways (Mars 28° Aries) with The Wounded Healer who is the spiritual warrior (Chiron 22° Aries).
Neptune, who is Spiritual Force is at a critical degree of fate 29° in Pisces-Christ consciousness, sends us strong waves of energy into the new moon of Gemini to “lift thyself”. It’s in the wind.
Saturn, the authority of the good Father Arc stands @ 18° Pisces-Christ consciousness and stresses tension into the new moon of mind, heart and expansion in order for us to build it and manifest it into physical matter, our bodies … the crystalline structures of new earth energy and light.
Gemini is about our communications; how and what we listen to, think about and communicate to others. This “movement of air or intellect” creates first relationships other than with our parents such as siblings/brothers/sisters and close community; that which can “flip” on a dime. Gemini is THE TWINS. Take time for thyself to be still and to focus on thy breath. Enjoy conversation and short travels. Ideas and messages will be heard on the wind.
Special Note
What we think about, we become, especially those thoughts we repeat over and over again. A way to clear unwanted thoughts is to express them. Share them with another or write them down on paper and then burn the paper. At best, simply give them to Greater Hands: Mother Earth, or God-Source - Creator of all and don’t forget to Humm. Sound of Breath exercise for your peace and strength.
New Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar-Love (my Sun Christic-center) burns into the Lunar waters of the Universal Mother force - the Sophia of Wisdom who is at-one-ment with the Solarized Female. This union of the Christos-Sophia (Sun/Moon) and daughter, the Divine feminine (Venus), emits great love into the rising mists of Spiritual Earth (our highest potential) having been transmuted from the deepest of levels and raised and transformed into Light (Pluto)… My emotional needs are met by being mindful. Mindful (mercury) of the expansiveness (Jupiter) of the Life Force (Uranus) right now. I feel the courage (Mars) to act for the greater good as the Wounded Healer (Chiron) and Spiritual Warrior resurrects within me - Christ consciousness (Neptune) flows in peace and strength into this timeline of Divine destiny (North Node). The cosmic “seeds of love” (Venus) will be protected by the good Father in Pisces - Arc of the Father (Saturn) - He ensures these “seeds of light” - which are of our own light - are fruitful and abundant. We are free. We are sovereign. We are grateful.
Path of Light Emanations
Spiritual Sun 16°, the Christos is in Sacred Union with the moon 16°, symbol of the Mother, Sophia of Wisdom: Christo-Sophia — Heirogamic union in Gemini, home of the Winged-Messenger.
Their unity fecundates cosmic seeds of love and of light (Venus 16° Gemini) to be planted with • Mindfulness (Mercury 6° Gemini) and • Spiritual expansiveness (Jupiter 2° Gemini) • Life force, high-mind and electricity (Uranus 24° Taurus)
All (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus) to be transmuted and transformed from the deepest of levels to the highest of Light by Pluto 1° Aquarius-The Humanitarian.
There is stress from power planet Pluto to take heart and have courage to act in right ways (Mars 28° Aries) with The Wounded Healer who is the spiritual warrior (Chiron 22° Aries).
Neptune, who is Spiritual Force is at a critical degree of fate 29° in Pisces-Christ consciousness, sends us strong waves of energy into the new moon of Gemini to “lift thyself”. It’s in the wind.
Saturn, the authority of the good Father Arc stands @ 18° Pisces-Christ consciousness and stresses tension into the new moon of mind, heart and expansion in order for us to build it and manifest it into physical matter, our bodies … the crystalline structures of new earth energy and light.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We begin to consciously
connect to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Light and Sound Meditation
Tunned to 444 Solfeggio frequency
Solfeggio Mercury Planetary Vowel Sound
Link: https://youtu.be/lZKn8ZT1-5g?si=XOmy_Tg6YoNZjr7q
This is your time,
As we move into the darkness
of a new moon spiritual cycle,
we focus on the light.
We are the
And we are relaxing
Just breathing.
We can close our eyes
And see and sense the color of light that is in resonance
With this time.
And we see our seeds of thought begin to ignite
With our outward breath.
Breathe in through the nose
And sigh out slowly and fully.
(2 more times)
Imagine now
what you wish to see for yourself and for your children..
And if you do not have any children,
imagine what the children of the world will look like
in their highest joy
with sun shining.
Feel your love for them…
and feel their love come to you
Breathe it in.
And sound out your love
The love is the
Ever growing,
Ever expanding.
We are the Love
Which is
We breathe in our gratitude
We breathe out our gratitude
And we shine.
We are complete.
Sun in Gemini May 20th
June 20th in Cancer
Happy Solar Return Gemini! The third constellation on the wheel of the zodiac is the first of the Air element and is considered instinctual in its Triplicity (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). You bring to us the brilliance of the Intellect which symbolizes the Winged Messenger; the restless part of ourselves that gathers data ceaselessly only to drop it into the waiting hands of strangers and all those who need it. Gemini is where we all begin to relate to our outside world for the first time rather than just our parents. Relationships form with siblings and close community through communications, writings and movement. May these relationships in resonance with the Light brighten in beauty and laughter at this time and onward.
Sagitarrius Full Moonlight
Sagittarius Full Moonlight
5/23/2024 • 6:53 AM, PST • 2° Sagittarius
Governing Planet: Jupiter • Color: Purple Indigo • 6th Chakra - Ajna • Solfeggio Sound: LA • Musical Note: A
Sagittarius Message.
Shining through the Light and into our very breath, we are given the opportunity to expand our minds into our hearts and turn knowledge into wisdom. The color of Purple Indigo is in the invisible spectrum of the Third Eye of which Jupiter governs. The psychological urge of Sagittarius is TO SEE that which is in.visible and inner-stand the meaning behind the words which will take us into the Great Mysteries. There’s only love.
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love (my Christic-Sun-center) is on fire with Love ever-expanding and surging forward and outward in every current, in every breath; we burn into Lunar Waters (emotions) of the Universal Mother, the Sophia of Wisdom. From her, inside of us, a wave of spiritual strength and force comes from the Highest Light of Christ consciousness and the pain and suffering of our past is transmuted and leaves us transformed. Our emotional needs are met by opening our minds to the wisdom that resides inside our center core - our Divinity within. Emit, transcribe, express thy joy of life and living having made it through the storm. We are free, sovereign, sacred and ever so grateful.
Path of Light Emanation
Our vitality (Sun) is being expanded (Jupiter) into our heart of hearts (Moon) with love (Venus) and with the electrical high-mind frequencies (Uranus), along with our mundane mind (Mercury) which includes our human souls (Mercury).
The very depths of us, and our world, is being transmuted of poisons, healed and transformed (Pluto mini-trine) with spiritual force (Neptune in Pisces) from Christ consciousness and Moon-Mother Sophia with her sword of truth-a-flame (Sagittarius).
The Good Father Arc has risen in Pisces’ Christ consciousness. With his authority and his love, he builds into the Full Moonlight (Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter, Venus, Sun, Pluto, Neptune and Moon) new quantum, crystalline light-structures of incomprehensible beauty and strength. New Earth is defined.
The Wounded Healer and Spiritual Warrior in each of us stands united, strong and sovereign knowing Divine destiny is at hand. (Chiron, Mars, North Node)
The only struggle is in our mind. (Mercury square Pluto), therefore we expand into our hearts which then moves into our eternal souls. In beauty and light, we are free.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now begin to consciously
connect to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Light and Sound Meditation
Tunned to 444 Solfeggio frequency
Solfeggio Jupiter Planetary Vowel: Ah
As the fullness of a spiritual cycle is once more upon us,
We focus on the Light.
We are the
And we are relaxing
Just breathing.
We can close our eyes
And see and sense the color of light that is in resonance
With this time.
Just relaxing
Now I ask you to
Breathe in through your nose
And sigh out slowly and fully.
And again, breathing in and sigh out slow.
Last time breathing in,
sigh out slow and relax.
This is good.
Just resting
And now I ask you to
See and sense someone who you love.
Feel your love for them.
I want you to feel their love come to you
Breathe it in.
We sound out our gratitude
At this time.
We are the love
Which is
Breathing in our gratitude
We sound-out our gratitude
And we shine.
We are complete.
Taurus New Moonlight
5/7/2024 • 8:21 PM, PST • 18° Taurus
Governing Planet: Venus • Color: Yellow • 3rd Chakra (Hermetic) • Solfeggio Sound: MI (mē) • Musical Note: E
Taurus Message
New dark moons call us inside to find the Light. The energy is internal and receptive and asks us to plant the “seeds” of good thoughts into the fertile fields of consciousness. When viewing this chart above, all planetary energies are tightly clustered within 120° forming what is called a “Bundle” in Astrology. There is an intensity of focus and it will involve our thoughts and emotions in regards to what is of value in one’s life and how best does one create and build with these values. Some questions that might be asked: What is true? What do I really need? What is of greatest importance and what is not?
New Moonlight Alchemy
My Solar-Love (my Sun Christic-center) burns within and is electrified with High-mind and Spiritual vision; we merge with the Universal Mother force, the Sophia of Wisdom, into her Lunar waters (emotions) creating great mists to rise of Spiritual Earth (our pure potential) .. as my emotional needs are met by being in nature, connecting with Mother Earth, and knowing that Love is the key to all doors. Mother Earth (Taurus) trembles in response and feels the deep cathartic healing and transformation (we do as well); it is transmutative (Pluto) and flows forth from the Divine, therefore we trust. We are shown Christic authority (Saturn in Pisces) is in control of our world now and we see the illusion for what it is. Right action comes as Light shines through all the darkness. We are free, sovereign and sacred.
Path of Light Emanations
Symbol of the Spiritual Sun, the Christos is in Sacred Union: Christo-Sophia - Heirogamic Union inside and out - with the symbol of the Universal Cosmic Mother, the Sophia of Wisdom at 18° Taurus. The darkness is the void where Light=Love=Life lives everlasting.
Their unity fecundates high thoughts (Uranus in Taurus) of spiritual expansion (Jupiter in Taurus). What would be too far out to think or even imagine in the past, now seems a potential reality. Saturn, planet of structure and authority - the Father Arc - in Pisces-Christ consciousness, helps us to shape and form this new earth and way of living.
Within these high thoughts, love (Venus in Taurus) rises and unites the heart with our mind (Mercury in Taurus) which is at-one-ment with the Wounded Healer inside (Chiron); Destiny expresses through these energies with the unity of the North Node - the path in this life. This was all meant to be.
Mars, the planet that rules Aries and symbolizes male outward action, is in union with Neptune in Pisces- Christ consiousness. With Neptune’s Spiritual Force, we are given even greater courage and strength (Mars) to have faith and to act in right and good ways for the good of humanity, the earth and all our relations.
This energy flows forth in harmony through us and around us to "get things done" and clean things up with Uranus (High-mind) and Jupiter (Spiritual expansion) Sun and Moon and Venus, Pluto and Saturn. (Remember, these are "seeds of thoughts" we are planting.)
The only tension is with Pluto, the Sun and the Moon. Strain, with some pain, is often necessary in a birthing process. Just breathe and Tune to the Light within and without.
At the core of our being exists
One Light.
We now begin to consciously
connect to it
and leave the false-light
matrix behind.
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in our meditations.
Use this time as your sanctuary.
Light and Sound Meditation
tunned to 444 Solfeggio frequency
Solfeggion Planetary Vowel: Ē
Link: https://youtu.be/Q67YShSSSVY
As we move into the darkness
of a new moon spiritual cycle,
we focus on the light.
We are the
And we are relaxing
Just breathing
We can close our eyes
And see and sense the color of light that is in resonance
With this time.
and we see our seeds of thought begin to ignite
With our outward breath.
Breathe in through the nose
And sigh out slowly and fully.
(2 more times)
Imagine now
what you wish to see for yourself and for your children..
And if you have no children,
imagine what the children of the world will look like
in their highest joy
with sun shining.
Feel your love for them…
and feel their love come to you
Breathe it in
And sound out your love
The love is the
Ever growing
and expanding.
Continue to Rest
Just breathing
We are the love
Which is
We breathe in our gratitude
We breathe out our gratitude
And we shine.
We are complete.
Scorpio Full Moonlight
4/23/2024 • 4:48 PM, PST
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Pluto has two activation colors
Low Vibe: Black - Failure, Materialism
High Vibe: Ultra Violet & Infra Red - Spiritual Power
Pluto has no known chakra
Color resonance places it above the crown
Scorpio has a planetary co-ruler: Mars
Mars is the lower octave of Pluto
Mars Color: Red • Chakra: Root
Pluto Musical Tones
Pluto is either harmonic (spiritual) or non-harmonic
Mars Musical Note: C - Root Chakra
Mars Solfeggio Sound: UT
Humming is encouraged
- Same Musical Note (C) as the last Eclipse -
no coincidences
Full Moonlight Shines From Inside Out
Scorpio Message: From the lowest to the highest, we are given the chance in this spiritual cycle to rise from the depths of human experience to the highest of its pure and angelic expression. The rising of the phoenix from its own ashes is the journey along with eagle eating snake to transmute the poisons and fly highest to the sun.
Full Moonlight Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love (my Christic-Sun-center) presses for at-one-ment with the Sophianic Wisdom of the Mother. Into her Lunar waters (emotions) we merge… and the mists rise of New Earth, our pure potential, as our emotional needs are met through the transmutative-healing and transformation of our deepest shadow-self - and our world - into Light. The shaman’s death and rebirth has spiritually expanded within us, electrified and lifted us with the High Mind of the Aquarian for the love of humanity; the wounded-healers and spiritual warriors embrace as one Divine Force for right action, justice and equilibrium to live and manifest in peace ever-lasting. There is only love. New Earth arises in us.
Path of Light Emanations
T-square: Sun and Moon press for unity creating the full moonlight and pour out, express through, Pluto in Aquarius; that which transmutes, heals and transforms life and death into new beginnings. The Sun-Moon is the Christos-Sophia in Sacred Union; they shine within and without all.
Jupiter-Sage Expander & Teacher in union with Uranus-High Mind and changer/charger sends forth a mixed energy of spiritually electrified, electromagnetic plasmic-power waves into Pluto enhancing the Full Moonlight and its ability to help us release what does not serve and renew us into higher levels of consciousness. The “mixed energy” may also act as high frequency-medicines and earth-healing properties. We are shaken to our depths TO SEE what we have not.
The Divine solarized feminine, Venus in Aries, pours her love into the transformative and cathartic-birthing actions of Pluto along with Neptune’s Spiritual Force as well. We can release - We can let go - We will let go, and we will be born again. "New Earth bodies" (J.H.)
Jupiter and Uranus flow more of their amazing energy harmonically into two male planets that are united-conjunct: Mars-action-warrior energy and Saturn-physical structure/government authoritative-infrastructure, grid systems, timelines, old patriarchy control.
Both are in Pisces (Christ consciousness). Mars is being dissolved of its aggressive and violent nature and given courage and love to mend its ways; Saturn has been wiped of its ruthlessness and self-serving soulless-nature and given the Love of the bride, the maiden and the Mother Arc and she has newly awakened the Father Arc which now brings forth the reappearance of the Cosmic Solar Masculine Christos principle in our Solar System.
with sound
Link: https://youtu.be/lHFEC1sFVpU
As the fullness of a spiritual cycle
is once more upon us,
We focus on the Light.
We are the
Breathe deeply and slowly
Close your eyes
If you wish.
Just breathing
Now I ask you to see and sense the color
Resonate with this cycle
And continue to relax
In stillness,
emotions and thoughts rise. Allow all to express outward
like steam through the long deep sigh,
all which no longer serves your highest good.
Through sound,
we now unwind even deeper,
the emotions locked in bone and muscle tissue.
and tone
and humm
Your heart’s de.Light
From Earth to Sky.
Breathe in thy gratitude.
Sigh out thy gratitude.
Match the sound of the sea
With your exhale.
Free of judgement,
we rest.
There’s only
Which is Light
Shining in us
We are complete.
Aries New Moonlight
4/8/2024 • 11:20 AM, PST • Full Solar Eclipse begins 11:07 AM PDT, Mexico
Ruling Planet: Mars • Mars Color: Red • Mars Chakra: Root • Solfeggio Sound: UT or HUMMM • Mars Musical Note: C/C4
New Moonlight is about finding the light within
and planting seeds
Eclipse Message: There is a plethora of information about this Eclipse everywhere. One may choose to ignore it, or one may choose to educate one's self as much as possible about it. Be forewarned. The mind can be restless in its search for knowledge and in its "thirst" can rob the body of its vital-chi energy. Remember to breathe. The human heart, which is connected to the soul, is already wise. Connecting the two in a relaxed state in love with sacred sound is what I offer to you here. More information and links can be found in my blog. Take what you need - Leave the rest. May your experience be one of great beauty.
Aries Message: The transmutation of Life into Love begins now. When we look at the chart, we see what is called in Astrology a Bundle, which is a tight concentration of energies within 120.° These thought-energies will express in us and in our world and be of a singular nature: Aries is forward moving spiritual action - the I Am, Warrior for Sacred Sovereignty - and it occurs first within. We are all responsible.
The Constellation: nature of the energy
Aries’ energy is First-Fire which translates to spirit on the Wheel of the Zodiac. Aries is symbolic of the spark of God-Source in all of us. It is about the resurrection of the Eternal Flame and the beginnings of “now” and endings of what once was; is naturally strong and robust in its initial act and “bolts forth,” but weakens through time with little endurance. Great courage and bravery of the warrior is exemplified here in Aries, which includes our Police, Sheriffs-Peace Officers, and the Military. All those who act with force at this time, may it be for the highest good. We especially appreciate when the fire-energy is balanced and mature. Be aware that Unbalanced and Unloved fire-energy (unloved child) also represents war and violence and what can be the horrors in this world. Fire Energy must be directed with right and good intentions, which is why our human attention at this time is so very important.
Know this, Aries spirit is about LOVE. Know it, feel it, give it, receive it and let it lead. The Sabian Symbol’s vibrational theme for this new moon in Aries 19-20° says it all: THE TRANSMUTATION OF LIFE INTO LOVE. From my perspective, if this is all you read about the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, it will be fine. My concern is with you, the reader. Most importantly: TUNE TO THE LIGHT WITHIN YOU and do not allow the circus of the outside world diminish your sacred time within.
New Moonlight: Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love (my Sun-Christic center) warms within me and expands to vast and unknown quantities and proportions waking and healing the depths of me and the heights of me causing electromagnetic fields of plasma to Light Up - It unifies me and calms me, and we merge into the Lunar Waters (emotions) of the Universal Mother-Spirit, the Sophia of Wisdom … There, inside the quiet, the Mists Rise of Spiritual Earth revealing our pure potential. My destiny is at hand, as is yours. We know it, and we allow our lives to be deeply transformed with Love Eternal; in one breath, it burns through us and purifies us… and reaches into our hearts and touches our souls - we weep and we Re.member, I Am Earth, I Am Sky, I Am Stars, I Am you, I Am I - In Lak’ech Ala K’in - O Mitakye Oyasın - A Kuria Maté. We are free and we are one.
Path of Light Emanations - The details
The resurrected Sun/Son in Aries unites with Moon-Mother-Sophia 19° and Chiron-Wounded Healer in man and woman 19°… they unite with Mercury-mind & soul of man (communications) and with the North Node which brings in Divine destiny.
The Sacred Union, Christo-Sophia —the Heirogamic union within our own bodies — is embraced in Eternal Love and the wounds of mankind heal and we are lifted to new plateaus of experience.
Mars, planetary ruler of Aries, with its forward energy and much needed direction, is united with Saturn-the elder, the patriarch, government, the Task Master of old time that no longer serves. Saturn will “reconstruct” the fire-spirit energy in the sacred waters - crystalline in structure - of Pisces-Cosmic Christ consciousness, for Saturn now holds the emanation of the Father Arc for he has been freed and the Mother Arc has healed him with her love.
This sacred-water seed, if you will, is sent harmonically to Uranus for CHANGES to occur (electrical-high mind) for the good of humanity and Jupiter, giving full Spiritual Expansion.
Lastly, Pluto-the TRANSFORMER stresses tension into Mercury and the mind and soul of man to be AWAKE and mindful as one pays attention to what could be difficult communications and movements.
Referring to the Sabian symbol: THE TRANSMUTATION OF LIFE INTO LOVE. Pluto transmutes (heals) and transforms with its Aquarius energy as it harmonizes the union of Neptune-Spiritual Force and Venus-Love. Pure harmony is here. Neptune, planetary ruler of Pisces-Christ consciousness, is considered to be Venus’ higher octave. Both personal love and spiritual love are united (Christic Light of Love) as Pluto helps us to transform our life into love and seed it well into the Fields of Consciousness of New Earth.
Tune to the Light Meditation will be focused on the Eclipse and is to be used during the time of its activation, or simply to inspire you and help you prepare for when the time comes. Most important is the 4 minutes and 28.1 seconds into the eclipse path which will be over the Mexico portal, Zone of Silence, at which time you and I will be in a space of love…. (See Part II with links)
From that space, we will intend our love into Mother Earth’s energetic grid-system beneath our feet. From our heart, we will let the love flow as we HUMMM the musical note of C/4 as a child to her mother and a mother to her child. Pay close attention to when Mother Earth sends her love back up to us, which she always does. Post eclipse, for 14 to 40 days we are asked to continue our good intentions to not only Mother Earth, but to all of humanity and all our relations.
Timing: The Solar Eclipse is said to begin when it reaches the shores of Mexico around 11:07 am PDT. (10:59 AM MST/PDT Torreon, Mexico) Fullness of the new moon is 11:20 am PST. Our good intentions will be heard during this "timing." More details in Part II.
For those who wish to be "exact" at the start of the TOTAL eclipse and know when to Humm the 4 min. 28.1 seconds plus, these calculations come from Dr. Ling's www.hum.com site which has a count down as well. Begin at 11:17:39 PDT... Ends 11:22:07. If you use the video, set it at 1:30 to begin at the 11:17:39 moment. Also, one could set the video at start at 11:07 AM and let it run twice. The window or portal will be covered. Use your own discretion of course.
Clear your mind. Nothing can go wrong. At best, it is all about your inner connection to Source. Listen for the chimes of the crystal bowl. Head phones work best. Close your eyes if you want to. When the bowl chimes 1st, we begin the 4 minute 28.1 seconds of humming. At the end, the bowl will chime twice for each direction and we will be complete. Bright blessings.
Thank you. We did it, and it was good. We will gather again and tone and hum our love into the Fields of Consciousness we are growing on the next Full Moonlight in April on the 23rd. Stay tuned. And return into the Eclipse Meditation whenever it calls....
Use this time
As your sanctuary.
Just breathing and relaxing
Deepening our experience
with each breath,
we come into the darkness of the new moon,
And we focus on the light.
We are the
And those who love us are drawn near.
We feel our love for them…
And most importantly,
We feel their love
come to us
Breathe it in.
The Love ignites
Into Great Light.
In these moments,
we feel our love for Mother Earth.
And we hummm this
Light of Love
Into all her energetic
Beneath our feet.
Flowing ever-constant
Into every opening, we continue to
With each inward breath,
We feel our love and our gratitude.
With each outward breath,
We see our love as
Taking flight
In beauty
In peace
And in kindness
Through all darkness.
We are the
We are Relaxing …
Breathing .. Grounding.
We are complete.
Use this time
As your sanctuary.
Just breathing and relaxing
Deepening our experience
with each breath,
we come into the darkness of the new moon,
And we focus on the light.
We are the
And those who love us are drawn near.
We feel our love for them…
And most importantly,
We feel their love
come to us
Breathe it in.
The Love ignites
Into Great Light.
In these moments,
we feel our love for Mother Earth.
And we hummm this
Light of Love
Into all her energetic
Beneath our feet.
Flowing ever-constant
Into every opening, we continue to
With each inward breath,
We feel our love and our gratitude.
With each outward breath,
We see our love as
Taking flight
In beauty
In peace
And in kindness
Through all darkness.
We are the
We are Relaxing …
Breathing .. Grounding.
We are complete.
Libra Full Moonlight
3/25/2024 • 12:00 AM, PST Lunar Eclipse
Ruling Planet: Venus • Venus Color: Yellow • Venus Chakra: 3rd • Solfeggio Sound: MI (mē) • Venus Musical Note: E
Full Moonlight expresses outward compared to New Moonlight expressing inward.
Libra's Full Moonlight energy is air or intellect which is in a struggle for oneness with its opposite Aries’ fire/spirit striving for balance, union, right-action, justice and peace. Libra is about relationships, especially one-on-one partnerships and marriage. They will be looked at from deep places with Pluto's influence. An obvious personality pattern shows on the 25th called “the bucket” in astrology. The moon - The Mother - is the “handle” opposite the sun with its clustered planets (bucket) within 180 degrees.
If the moon were a personality, (and some believe she is), she would be dominating the world to be recognized for her talents in main-stream society; she would NOT be trying to fit in. The Moon-Mother, the Sophia of Wisdom in Libra 5° (0° - 9° Serpens -The Wise Serpens) has a mission and it’s now. What are her objectives? All purposeful action will be lawful, poised - in good relationship - and harmonic. Understand these are thoughts being set into motion in the higher fields of energetic consciousness before they are made physical. Our thoughts - our DIRECTED consciousness - can help secure the intention.
Sabian Symbol for Libra 5°: A man revealing to his students the foundation of an inner knowledge upon which a “New World” could be built.
Sabian Symbol for Libra 6° : A man watches his ideals taking a concrete form before his inner vision.
It’s vibrational. We’re somewhere in-between. We can figure this out and be part of the solution. We have always been responsible for our reality but were too fast asleep.
Libra's Message: Because this is a lunar eclipse, the energies will last longer into the year and know it is inherently connected to the next very remarkable Solar Eclipse on April 8th. Prepare. Know thy center and thy self. Get one’s house in order. We were born for this time. (*Sabian Symbols, Dane Rudhyar)
Full Moonlight: Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love (my Sun-Christic center) filled with vitality, spiritual force and strength merge to transcend the lunar waters (emotions) of the Sophia of Wisdom, the Universal Mother of the Ages. In Sacred Union, the Christo-Sophia, outside and within, resurrect the cosmic seed which is man - HUman ANgelic. We are free. We are grateful.
Path of Light Emanations
The resurrected Aries’ Sun/Son is with the Christ (conjunct Neptune) Spiritual Force in Pisces-Christ consciousness opposite the Moonlight of the Mother force, Sophia of Wisdom; the Libran who is Isis Unveiled and pregnant with the cosmic seed. Their strength of alchemy is in their sacred union: Holy Mother, Holy Father, Divine child. No other planets intercede except for Pluto and its remarkable orchestration….
Pluto, the Transformer (death/birth/rebirth) at 1° Aquarius directs the energies "over the bridge" sending and receiving from and to the Mother-Moon alchemizing the use of power into the Sun and Neptune. They shine. Moonlight will be potent.
Pluto also stresses widely (therefore more gentle) our minds and our nervous systems to transmute and heal, as well as transform, through Mercury.
And Mercury is united with Chiron, our Wounded Healer helping to heal our first wound of separation from Source and is very much involved with our identity. Aries is I AM - so we ask: Who Am I? In conjunct - in union with- the North Node, which brings in feelings of Destiny; What is my path in this life? Am I my wound? Or do I simply carry it, therefore can release?
Uranus, ruler of Aquarius (therefore ruler of Pluto right now) is in conjunct-union with Jupiter- the spiritual expander with both in Taurus Earth. Our physical-sensory bodies, which is not separate from the Mother Earth, will feel this, some more than others. Jupiter’s psychological urge is TO SEE. Let’s get clear. Know that Uranus represents the high-mind and all electrical fields of communication and technology; the fast lightening changes necessary for the good of humanity to prosper and move forward in beauty.
If the moon were a personality, (and some believe she is), she would be dominating the world to be recognized for her talents in main-stream society; she would NOT be trying to fit in. The Moon-Mother, the Sophia of Wisdom in Libra 5° (0° - 9° Serpens -The Wise Serpens) has a mission and it’s now. What are her objectives? All purposeful action will be lawful, poised - in good relationship - and harmonic. Understand these are thoughts being set into motion in the higher fields of energetic consciousness before they are made physical. Our thoughts - our DIRECTED consciousness - can help secure the intention.
Sabian Symbol for Libra 5°: A man revealing to his students the foundation of an inner knowledge upon which a “New World” could be built.
Sabian Symbol for Libra 6° : A man watches his ideals taking a concrete form before his inner vision.
It’s vibrational. We’re somewhere in-between. We can figure this out and be part of the solution. We have always been responsible for our reality but were too fast asleep.
Libra's Message: Because this is a lunar eclipse, the energies will last longer into the year and know it is inherently connected to the next very remarkable Solar Eclipse on April 8th. Prepare. Know thy center and thy self. Get one’s house in order. We were born for this time. (*Sabian Symbols, Dane Rudhyar)
Full Moonlight: Alchemy Prose
My Solar Love (my Sun-Christic center) filled with vitality, spiritual force and strength merge to transcend the lunar waters (emotions) of the Sophia of Wisdom, the Universal Mother of the Ages. In Sacred Union, the Christo-Sophia, outside and within, resurrect the cosmic seed which is man - HUman ANgelic. We are free. We are grateful.
Path of Light Emanations
The resurrected Aries’ Sun/Son is with the Christ (conjunct Neptune) Spiritual Force in Pisces-Christ consciousness opposite the Moonlight of the Mother force, Sophia of Wisdom; the Libran who is Isis Unveiled and pregnant with the cosmic seed. Their strength of alchemy is in their sacred union: Holy Mother, Holy Father, Divine child. No other planets intercede except for Pluto and its remarkable orchestration….
Pluto, the Transformer (death/birth/rebirth) at 1° Aquarius directs the energies "over the bridge" sending and receiving from and to the Mother-Moon alchemizing the use of power into the Sun and Neptune. They shine. Moonlight will be potent.
Pluto also stresses widely (therefore more gentle) our minds and our nervous systems to transmute and heal, as well as transform, through Mercury.
And Mercury is united with Chiron, our Wounded Healer helping to heal our first wound of separation from Source and is very much involved with our identity. Aries is I AM - so we ask: Who Am I? In conjunct - in union with- the North Node, which brings in feelings of Destiny; What is my path in this life? Am I my wound? Or do I simply carry it, therefore can release?
Uranus, ruler of Aquarius (therefore ruler of Pluto right now) is in conjunct-union with Jupiter- the spiritual expander with both in Taurus Earth. Our physical-sensory bodies, which is not separate from the Mother Earth, will feel this, some more than others. Jupiter’s psychological urge is TO SEE. Let’s get clear. Know that Uranus represents the high-mind and all electrical fields of communication and technology; the fast lightening changes necessary for the good of humanity to prosper and move forward in beauty.
The Sound of Breath
is foundational in our meditations.
As the fullness of a spiritual cycle is upon us,
we focus on the light.
We are the Light
And we are full.
Breathe deeply and slowly
And close your eyes.
Steam emits.
In stillness, emotions and thoughts rise. Allow all to express outward through the long deep sigh.
All soon slips out through hands, fingers, feet and eyes;
That which no longer serves our highest good.
Free of judgement, we rest…. There’s only
Which is Light
Shining in us now.
Breathe in gratitude.
Exhale gratitude.
Hummmm to Earth & Sky
Till thy heart is content
S h i n e