Attunement To Inner Source (ATIS)
Astrological Alchemy
I am an Astrological Consultant with over 30 years study based primarily on Western Hermetic Astrology. I do not do predictions or fortunes. My focus is on the vibration and evolution of the eternal Christic soul. A chart is cast and we begin a dialogue. Somatic Sound Therapeutics are applied. Please contact me for further information.
All is vibration, and when we begin to awaken to this factor, we often become highly sensitive to energy (electromagnetic sensitivity), which is why I write about the spiritual cycles every month and offer Somatic Sound Therapeutics. Please check our Moonlight Page.
In regards to my thoughts about Astrology being occult (hidden) and of dark magic, those of us who know the stars know that they influence our earthly life and all that lives upon this blest planet. Therefore, we learn and use the stars "like a map" to help us grow in right and loving, moral ways. Once we know our way is within to the eternal Light of the One, Creator of all (Law of One), we drop the "map" like dross from gold, for we are the Center Point. - the Inner Christos.
All is vibration, and when we begin to awaken to this factor, we often become highly sensitive to energy (electromagnetic sensitivity), which is why I write about the spiritual cycles every month and offer Somatic Sound Therapeutics. Please check our Moonlight Page.
In regards to my thoughts about Astrology being occult (hidden) and of dark magic, those of us who know the stars know that they influence our earthly life and all that lives upon this blest planet. Therefore, we learn and use the stars "like a map" to help us grow in right and loving, moral ways. Once we know our way is within to the eternal Light of the One, Creator of all (Law of One), we drop the "map" like dross from gold, for we are the Center Point. - the Inner Christos.
Our Whirling Star Vortices called Chakras
The moon-light ebbs and flows within and without, just as the sun rises and falls. Vowels are planets and light bodies, while consonants are constellations and they are associated with energy centers (whirling star vortices) in the body that Eastern philosophy calls chakras. Colors, solfeggio sounds, and musical notes are included for your work and possible interest. Apply these sounds to the sound therapeutic exercises but know IN-tension is what heals, for it is IN.tension that is held within the Sound-Wave, or what John Stuart Reid calls a Sound Sphere. And sound never dies, like Light, like Life, like Love.
Rainbow Chakras by John Stuart Reid
Sound reveals the Cymaglyphs above of the chakras
The Artist is the Art - The Art is the Artist
The Singer is the Song - The Song is the Singer
The Dancer is the Dance - The Dance is the Dancer
The Creator is the Creation - The Creation is the Creator
Sound of Life
Source of Light
Song of Love
As I seek balance and to dissolve opposites, I have compared the western planetary system, (first chart) to the eastern for a number of years and it's brought me to a good understanding. Though there are variations in planetary influence over the chakras from east to west (Sacral versus Solar), there is however an integrated-collaborative message especially when one considers the colors, the light, and the sound. We are One Human Family.
Medical Astrology Hermetic & Galactic
Chart Attribution and link:
Color, Light and Sound (Vibration/Frequency) unites us now more than ever.
Manly P. Hall, Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire: Thus man is heaven, earth, and hell in one, and his salvation is a much more personal problem than he realizes. Realizing that the human body is a mass of psychic centers and that during life the form is crisscrossed with endless currents of energy, that all through the form are sunbursts of electric force and magnetic power, man can be seen by those who know how to see as a solar system of stars and planets, suns and moons, with comets in irregular orbits circling through them. As the Milky Way is supposed to be a gigantic cosmic embryo, so man is himself a galaxy.