Somatic Sound Journey - there's no place like home, the home within.
Somatic Sound Journey is a guided meditation to bypass the cognitive mind into altered states of consciousness for greater awareness and deep healing known in Allopathic Western Medicine as, Guided Imagery, or a Somatic Experience.
In indigenous cultures around the world, it would be considered a Shamanic Journey. We simply use our mental focus. No emotional content is necessary, and the response of the body-mind with its wisdom activates neural transmitters, the body's natural neurochemical soup: dopamine (reward-seeking), serotonin (visualization-gratitude), oxytocin (trust), endorphins (feel good, self-produced morphine to get one through the perception of pain).
We do this as a team through sound and intention. At the end of the session we go through the "messages" with an in-depth conversation whereby we bring forward into consciousness, the inner experience. We do it through dialogue and written word making real the internal experience. It can be life changing.
If you are here exploring the Lady Freedom Somatic Sound Journey, all of which you have just read will give you a good idea of what the process is; however, another ultimate destination is in mind, and that is to the heart of Lady Freedom who stands atop the US Capitol Building in Washington, USA. Please click this link to learn more.
Somatic Sound Journey gives you your own answers to your own questions. Trusting them when they come can be one of the biggest challenges which is why I accompany you on the journey, and discuss it with you at the end. You are the healer and this is your story.
Feel free to use the form below for contact or any questions.
In indigenous cultures around the world, it would be considered a Shamanic Journey. We simply use our mental focus. No emotional content is necessary, and the response of the body-mind with its wisdom activates neural transmitters, the body's natural neurochemical soup: dopamine (reward-seeking), serotonin (visualization-gratitude), oxytocin (trust), endorphins (feel good, self-produced morphine to get one through the perception of pain).
We do this as a team through sound and intention. At the end of the session we go through the "messages" with an in-depth conversation whereby we bring forward into consciousness, the inner experience. We do it through dialogue and written word making real the internal experience. It can be life changing.
If you are here exploring the Lady Freedom Somatic Sound Journey, all of which you have just read will give you a good idea of what the process is; however, another ultimate destination is in mind, and that is to the heart of Lady Freedom who stands atop the US Capitol Building in Washington, USA. Please click this link to learn more.
Somatic Sound Journey gives you your own answers to your own questions. Trusting them when they come can be one of the biggest challenges which is why I accompany you on the journey, and discuss it with you at the end. You are the healer and this is your story.
Feel free to use the form below for contact or any questions.