July 28, 2022 - Quebec, Canada As Onkwehoweh, we continue to suffer historic injustices that will no longer be tolerated. The Papal State visit a week ago with Rarihwawakon (Pope), the Governor General and Prime Minister of Canada were superimposed upon by the Vatican Agenda that was set to silence us. As a small delegation of Haudenosaunee who were invited to speak at three events to Rarihwawakon (the pope), we were denied our right to speak in the final minutes of the first event. However, in a dinner with the Bishops of Canada, we created a stir, and in the survivor’s session on the last day of his Pilgrimage of Penance, a young Wolf Clan Mohawk Mother, Kaianahawis, broke through the colonial papal wall and took the necessary time to express our deep grievances with the so-called apology and the complete lack of respect and action. Our mission is political as our focus is to revoke the Doctrine of Discovery. The fact remains that this law, imported by settlers of the old world, was forced upon Indigenous peoples and is still firmly entrenched in our reality past and present. We deny its restrictions and inhumanity. The Doctrine of Discovery is the law that dispossesses our lands through mere discovery and false conquest. It continues to prevent our rightful and human existence. The Doctrine is the basis for in- coming wealth acquired by the countries that straddle our territories and is also the decree that ordered our genocide through Government legislated policy. The police and the church were paid to carry out the executions of our children. The cradle boards that represented our Cradle Board Mandate brought before Canada’s Parliament in July of 2021, accompanied us. They were NOT gifts to be presented to the pope during the Vatican visit back in March nor were they gifts this time in Quebec City. The cradleboards kept our focus and they came home with us, the mothers. They are a symbol of the babies taken and who are still not home. Personally, I never wanted to meet Rarihwawakon. As Iakoiane (clanmother), I needed to go on behalf of our precious babies that never had a chance to be loved. We want the seventh generation to know that despite the military might of the colonial papal-powers and their harsh, dark criticisms — we had to show up. To the seventh generation, you must know, we love you enough to rattle these historical moments the same way our ancestors did for us seven generations ago. We were not silent and fought like hell to make your unborn voices heard. RESCIND THE DOCTRINE! Author: Wakerakats:te, Iakoiane of Roiane Tehanakari:ne Bear Clan Mother of the Mohawk Nation Council Louise Bear Herne Photograph: Katsitsionni Fox Haudenosaunee Bear Clan Artist & Filmmaker
The Mothers of Nation’s Gathering that took place in early May of 2023 was a powerful time of growth and introspection for all who were present. We gathered on Akwesasne Mohawk Territory in upper-state New York. Thank you to all who made our journey possible. It was an honor and a privilege to be on that land - land where the Great Law of Peace was first spoken — and to be under the “wings” of the Mohawk Bear Clan Mother. So many have strayed from our natural earth roots and cycles. However, mature women are reminded every month as their bodies respond to the call to carry life, or not. The gathering reminded all of us what it means to be a mother of not only one child, but of a community, and the responsibility that comes along with that role, especially in these times of great change. Lady Freedom Council is very grateful to have been invited. Many others across the Americas and the Old World were also invited, for each carries a nation, (a community) unto themselves. But we all gathered as one heart in one purpose for the one Earth to convene and commemorate Mother Law and what that means to bring back into our nation and our world. Louise Bear Herne, Bear Clan Mother of the Mohawk Nation Council says it best in the words that follow…. MOTHERS OF NATIONS In Unity ushers in Mother Law and upholds an Ancestral Agreement that many people in the World have forgotten. We are each Mothers of a Nation. We come from an intricate woven Web of Women's Wisdom. We are the matriline of every life-giving ancestor and a descendant of Mothers. We hold the great wisdom of the cosmos and carry the seeds of creation within us. We are our Mother, the Earth, and she is us. We are Creation, we are Life. Restore the Heart of the Mother. When you live in a feminine world, there is LOVE, there is EQUALITY, there is BALANCE... NO MAN GOES HUNGRY. Protect her and she will provide. Author: Wakerakats:te, Iakoiane of Roiane Tehanakari:ne Bear Clan Mother of the Mohawk Nation Council Louise Bear Herne Author: Kris Farquhar Lady Freedom Council Photograph: Katsitsionni Fox Haudenosaunee Bear Clan Artist & Filmmaker Partner Website: www.katyamiller.com |
Author: Kristen Farquhar is a Holistic Health Practitioner, artist/astrologer and singer-songwriter developing a practice based in Somatic Sound Therapeutics. 2023 expanded in support of Bear Clan Mother Series and Lady Freedom Circle: Education, Enlightenment, Sovereignty. We are sound and light @EnvironmentalVoiceArchives
November 2024
1/7/2023: 1. Mohawk Bear Clan Mother