The Statue of Freedom, also known as Freedom and America, stood caged before our very eyes above the Capitol building in Washington during the recent month of October. Raised up during the Civil War in 1863, she has always beckoned for us to see her, but to no avail. Perhaps we needed to see our ourselves first and America. No coincidences, right? She came down from her pedestal May 9th of 1993 to be fully restored having been up for almost 130 years. She was returned to her place above the dome on October 23, 1993 - 30 years ago! I find that synchronistic as I saw her October 22nd and was amazed at the metaphoric imagry: caged/freedom/America. The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) states on their website, This project was last completed fall 2023. If we replace the word “project” with “America,” then she is now complete! Scaffolding was taken down October 27th. She, Lady Freedom, also known as America, is now FREE! Just before this special day, Congressman Steve Scalise, House Majority Leader, while introducing the new House Speaker Mike Johnson on October 25th, pointed at Lady Freedom and said this: " ...Those are the principles (referring to the faith held by Mike Johnson) that make this country so great. Those are the principles that cause people who believe in freedom all around the world to look up at that Statue of Freedom as a beacon of hope for all the world." Gratitude to you Mr. Scalise for seeing and honoring the Lady of Freedom. She was recognized as a Symbol of World Peace and Freedom by the State of Hawaii H.R. #406 in 1989. May her beacon of hope light up the world for many. Author Kris Farquhar Lady Freedom Council Photograph Public Domain Government Live Webcam To hear the full speech by Steve Scalise and he speaks more on Lady Freedom: To learn more about Lady Freedom see To read more about her cleaning:
Author: Kristen Farquhar is a Holistic Health Practitioner, artist/astrologer and singer-songwriter developing a practice based in Somatic Sound Therapeutics. 2023 expanded in support of Bear Clan Mother Series and Lady Freedom Circle: Education, Enlightenment, Sovereignty. We are sound and light @EnvironmentalVoiceArchives
November 2024
1/7/2023: 1. Mohawk Bear Clan Mother