The Knights Templars Cross and Its Inversion, The Maltese CrossThe Maltese Cross symbolizes an anti-Christ curse made against the original, Essene Christos Templars which allowed for infiltration. From that time onwards (1,700 years ago), they became imposters of the Christos Templar identity and shifted into being the, Luciferian Templars; those who were (are) known for carrying out satanic, blood and child sacrifices against the human angelic bloodline. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a closed secret fraternity of Roman Catholics, the majority of which are descendants of the highest Black Nobility of the aristocratic, luciferian or satanic bloodlines, often serving in the (old) military… linked to ancient Carthage and Luciferian Knights Templar factions, and more recently, German-linked nazism. Like the Vatican, and the District of Columbia (DC) in Washington, United States, The Order of Malta is a sovereign state which allowed for nazi scientists to escape war crimes by giving "diplomatic immunity” to its members. They are the controller-based power for what is referred to as, the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) in our world who pose, also similar to the Vatican, as those who care for humanity, when they do not. The Cignas Constellation Star map - a holographic geography - was used and placed over the United Kingdom landmass (9,500 years ago) as an expression of the Dark Force (NAA) takeover in the beginnings of our Spiritual Cycle that began 26,000 years ago and ended December 2012, also known as the Precession of the Equinoxes, the Lucifer Rebellion, and the Armageddon Program. The NAA used this inversion of the Templar Cross with the constellation of Cignas, (the Southern Cross), along with dark sorcery for the purpose of inverting and controlling sacred and powerful star-gateways in the United Kingdom. Reporting for Know that much has been cleared and cleaned and freed since 2012 to now, but we stay vigilent. Kristen Farquhar Quote attribution from Knights of Malta Symbols will be their downfall. Q |
Author: Kristen Farquhar is a Holistic Health Practitioner, artist/astrologer and singer-songwriter developing a practice based in Somatic Sound Therapeutics. 2023 expanded in support of Bear Clan Mother Series and Lady Freedom Circle: Education, Enlightenment, Sovereignty. We are sound and light @EnvironmentalVoiceArchives
November 2024
1/7/2023: 1. Mohawk Bear Clan Mother